This special banana comes from Japan.
Bananas are not uncommon in Japan, in the sense that they can be found in any supermarket as well as at any home. Bananas are also one of the most commonly eaten fruits in this country. However, it is true that bananas grown in Japan are super rare because 99.98% of bananas that everyone eats in Japan are imported. However, that statistic means that 0.02% of Japanese bananas are grown domestically, and we were quite shocked to learn that some of those 0.02% came from Hokkaido. Hokkaido, Japan. Yes, Hokkaido is a northernmost prefecture in Japan, which experiences winters under snow cover and has the lowest temperature and humidity of any place in Japan throughout the year. But they grow bananas in the Hokkaido town of Kushiro, we decide what they taste like.
However, as many people suspect, these bananas are not cheap. They are called Bananas 946 and cost 1,080 yen (equivalent to 227,000 VND) per fruit, about 20 times the price of an imported banana at a Japanese grocery store. And what if you splashed your money on a box of three bananas like us? That will cost you 4,860 yen (almost 1.1 million).
However, you will get a nice box, with individually wrapped bananas tucked away in the straw mulch underneath. The covers also have air vents so that the bananas can continue to ripen during their transport. We opened up a pack and the first thing that caught our attention was the size of the 946 banana that is exceptionally large.
Imported supermarket banana (top) vs. Banana 946 (bottom).
But we are not Victorian nobles who buy tropical fruit for decorative purposes. Food is to taste and it’s time to find out! Banana 946 instantly makes your taste buds feel its presence. Cultivated without the use of pesticides or chemical fertilizers, they taste sweet but not overpowering. The banana had moisture and richness, and the taste test left us completely satisfied.
Not only does their area of origin make up the 946 banana’s uniqueness. They also have a remarkably thin shell, so thin that you can eat them.
However, the peel of the banana has a rather bitter taste. However, this banana peel is said to be very nutritious, and distributor 946 Bananas recommends leaving the bananas unshelled if you make a smoothie, or even slicing and stir-frying the peel just like a traditional Japanese vegetable dish. Copy.
The 946 banana can be purchased through an online store here.
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