Thursday, May 2, 2024
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Tag: Chamber

The only weapon that the US did not remove from the...

Coast Guard ship John Modgett was removed almost all weapons by the US before handing over to the Vietnamese side, only one cannon was...

The latest revelations of the survivors of the Hiroshima bombing

The word of mouth of the survivors of the entire Hiroshima bombing: 'Ghosts go around' make the whole world 'dumbfounded' when remembering the 2nd...

Tragedy man ‘fell from the sky’

The mid-2019 incident of a man stealing a plane crashing near an airport in London, England in mid-2019 is seen as typical of the...

Hong Kong media: The “Mainland Hong Kong People’s Groups” category of...

(Observer Network News) Under Hong Kong's new electoral system, the electoral group composition of the "Mainland Hong Kong People's Group Representatives" subsector added by...

Modern garbage pick-up machine collects 30 tons of garbage per day

New technology garbage pick-up equipment works with a capacity of about 25 to 30 tons of trash within 8 hours.Recently, the Waterway Management...