Sunday, December 22, 2024
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Tag: restrictions

Japan eases some restrictions in Tokyo and Osaka

On June 1, Japan allowed the reopening of shopping malls, cinemas and amusement parks in the capital Tokyo and the country's Osaka prefecture amid...

Japan eases some restrictions in Tokyo and Osaka

On June 1, Japan allowed the reopening of shopping malls, cinemas and amusement parks in the capital Tokyo and Osaka Prefecture in the context...

Europe eases many restrictions – People are excited when life is...

Many Europeans expressed their joy when they were able to go to cinemas, theaters or restaurants after months of restrictions. (Picture:...

Greece wants British tourists to return after gradually easing restrictions

So far, the UK has placed Greece on the 'amber travel list,' meaning Britons returning home from Greece must undergo a quarantine of at...

Washington gradually lifts restrictions related to COVID-19 from May 21

Washington, D.C., will lift restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic for most businesses and the public sector in less than two weeks, amid the...