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The secret to helping the ancient emperor ‘overnight’ hundreds of thousands of beauties but did not have sexual diseases


The ancient emperors had hundreds of thousands of beautiful ladies and concubines, who could “close” with dozens of people every night but never contracted sexually transmitted diseases. Do they have any special secret?
The ancient emperors often had a powerful harem that many people often called “harem of 3,000 beauties”. Although, we are not sure if the ancient kings had 3,000 wives, but it is certainly not small.

King Kangxi is famous as the most prosperous king in China. Historians have recorded that in his harem, there were 4 queens, 49 from noble people and above, 67 people received official ordination and those who served the king but were in the lower quintile did not. under 200. In terms of children, he has 55 children, 35 princes and 20 princesses. The ancient emperors had a powerful harem, spent the night with hundreds of thousands of people but did not have sexual diseases. (Illustration) As for King Tan Vu De, it is said that the number of beauties must be up to ten thousand people, even to build more palaces. Many people also say that because there were too many concubines, every night he used goats to choose where to spend the night. Although the number of people “close” to the king was not less than a few dozen, the ancient emperors did not suffer from sexual diseases. This is due to the following 3 reasons. 1. Check the girls’ “chasteness” before entering the palace In fact, any girl before entering the palace goes through a rigorous selection process. The first and most important thing besides looks is the issue of virginity. Checking for the “pure” problem of girls is done with many measures. The most complete form is archery sa. This is the method of “experimenting the body” handed down and originated in the Han Dynasty. The ancient Chinese emperors had hundreds and thousands of concubines, so to manage and prevent the adulterous concubines, they found the method of archery. The method of archery is to check the “chasteness” of girls before entering the palace. Archery is a red lipstick that is applied to women’s hands to mark their virginity. According to legend, this red mark will never disappear if the woman is still white, and if this girl later has a male-female relationship, the palace will immediately fade. However, modern medicine today has not found any scientific evidence to verify that the above test is reasonable. Another “pure” test method is to observe the breasts. According to the observations of the ancients, pregnant women often have larger breasts, so they infer that a girl who has never had sex will have small breasts. This belief was further reinforced by the theory that sperm, after entering a woman’s vagina, would travel through her body and travel to her breasts, causing them to grow and sag. However, checking virginity by nipple or breast is not necessarily accurate, because the size and color of each woman’s nipple depends on each person’s skin pigmentation. It is to ensure that the girls are still “virgin” before meeting the king that will prevent them from contracting sexual diseases due to previous relationships. In addition, the young girls were also checked for their health and disease status, so this also reduced the risk of sexually transmitted diseases and transmitted to the emperor. 2. Check before sex Any beauty chosen to “overnight” with the king must have a strict health and body check. (Illustration) Even when the girls have been recruited into the lineup of beauties entering the palace, health checks are still conducted regularly. Before the emperor wanted to get intimate with any girl, she had to be checked to make sure she was in good health. If sick, the eunuchs would immediately revoke their titles and not allow them to be close to the king. Although there may still be cases of bribing eunuchs to bypass censorship, this is still rare and reduces the risk of illness. Moreover, when choosing anyone, the emperor must also consider whether the woman has good fertility because this is related to the maintenance of the breed, so health is always very important. 3. Only have sex with one person Today, people with sexually transmitted diseases often have relationships with many other people and do not have a safe method. However, the ancient courtesans had only the emperor, so they did not have a source of infection, so the emperor’s rate of sexual infection was relatively low. Although it is difficult for emperors to catch diseases from the beauties chosen to enter the palace, it is also difficult to avoid sexually transmitted diseases if they have relationships with outside girls. King Dong Tri, because he went back and forth with the green girl outside, died due to syphilis. Typically, the 10th emperor of the Qing Dynasty, Dong Tri, is said to have contracted syphilis from a green house girl. According to some documents recorded at that time, hundreds of thousands of beautiful women in the palace were not enough to satisfy the desires of Emperor Dong Tri. At night, he often took the eunuch Chau Dao Anh out to the gathering place of green girls in the south of the capital to seek physical pleasures. After these “disgraceful acts”, Dong Tri was infected Willow tree and passed away at the age of 20. From the symptoms described in detail, later people determined that he had syphilis. Although the ancient kings did not have sexual diseases despite having relationships with many people, that does not mean that we can apply it to modern life. Because today, not everyone has a dedicated team of doctors to check the health of their “partner” before having sex, and comfortable sex will also put people at greater risk of disease. . Here are some ways to prevent sexually transmitted diseases According to the Boldsky Here are 7 things you need to keep in mind to protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases Do not have sex too early: Sexual activity at a young age is one of the common causes of infection with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). The earlier you have sex, the higher your risk of contracting the disease. – Do not have indiscriminate relations, be faithful to one wife and one husband – Use condoms during sex -Clean the genitals before and after sex Avoid sex while drunk or on drugs: Drinking alcohol or using any other drug can make you lose control. This greatly affects your actions. -Regular reproductive health check