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The truth behind the ability to reduce 13 – 20 degrees Celsius of heat-resistant paint


Heat-resistant paint is one of the solutions to prevent heat for the house, especially on a hot summer day. According to advertising, anti-heat paint can reduce from 13-26 degrees Celsius for a project, but many people say that is not the case.

Heat resistant paint is also known as insulation paint. Paint consists of a liquid paint layer, a color layer, an adhesive layer and especially a film-forming layer. This film-forming agent is bonded with a reflective additive with a pleated crystalline structure, forming a homogenous body that adheres to the surface. This structure helps the paint to withstand high temperatures without peeling and cracking, especially the ability to reflect sunlight, thereby insulating the house. Sunscreen paint is usually painted on surfaces that are directly exposed to sunlight such as corrugated iron roofs, exterior walls, terraces, etc. According to the advertisement of many anti-heat paint companies, this type of paint can reduce from 13 – 26 degrees Celsius for a project. However, many users said that the actual use is not achieved like that, with works only reducing 4-5 degrees Celsius. Explaining this, experts said, the heat reduction efficiency is high or low depending on the quality of the paint. There are good heat-resistant ones, lesser ones, and even some that are no different from ordinary paints. In addition, the actual degree of heat loss depends on many factors. The first is the thickness of the paint, the thicker the paint, the better the heat resistance, helping to reduce heat deeply. Therefore, to reduce heat well, 2-3 coats must be applied. Another factor is the nature of the building. For example, the lower the roof, the better the effect of the paint is felt. In addition, the surface of the work (smooth or blistered), painting technique also affects the ability to reduce heat. Therefore, many families buy heat-resistant paint, but in reality, it only brings aesthetic value, but the sun protection ability is nowhere to be seen. According to experts, if you want to use sunscreen paint, people need to find out how much the product is confirmed to help reduce degrees Celsius. Many products are only introduced in general to help reduce 10-20 degrees Celsius but not give specific numbers. In addition, attention should be paid to the service life of the paint. Products with a lifespan of 3-5 years are often unsatisfactory and expensive in maintenance and replacement. It is best to choose a paint with a life expectancy of more than 10 years and the warranty period must be from 3 to 5 years. Secondly, it is necessary to check the surface of the work. If the surface is blistered, peeling, using paint does not guarantee high efficiency. In addition, do not forget to plant more trees around the house, windows, balconies, terraces … to increase the efficiency of heat reduction, especially on hot summer days, when the temperature of the day rises. tallest. Invite readers to watch the video: Students rent cheap accommodation in villas. Source: VTV24.