On sunny days like ‘fire’, in addition to staying at home, limiting going out to prevent and combating the COVID-19 epidemic, many people are also worried about escalating electricity bills because of having to cool the apartment without knowing that There are many easy tips to solve the above dilemmas.
Expedited Measures
1. Close the window blinds The first rule in keeping the house or apartment cool is to draw the window blinds, especially the west and northwest windows because 30% of unwanted heat comes from these locations. At the same time, when choosing curtains, you should choose those with neutral colors to avoid heat radiation. 2. Air conditioner increases by 1 degree Celsius, reduces power consumption by 10%
If you live in an apartment or apartment that requires the use of air conditioning, keep the temperature at around 24-27 degrees Celsius or higher if you still feel comfortable. Remember, just 1 degree Celsius increase can reduce about 10% of the electricity of the air conditioner. 3. Adjusting the ceiling fan
In the summer, you sometimes feel like a ceiling fan is only pushing hot air around the house rather than cooling it and this is exactly how it feels. Therefore, install the ceiling fan so that it rotates counterclockwise to push the air straight down, creating a cooling effect on the body, and remember to set it to run clockwise in winter to pull air. cool air. 4. Close the door and seal the openings
Close the doors to rooms you don’t use to keep cool air where you need it most. Seal openings around doors and windows, and use draft-stops to ensure cool air can’t escape. 5. Open windows at night when it’s cool
Closing your windows and staying indoors can be a great idea during the day, but as it gets cooler in the evening, you may want to open the door to naturally cool your home – but remember to lock the door when you leave. sleep. 6. Cool down the body
Cooling your house or apartment doesn’t mean you don’t need to cool your body by using body-cooling drinks, putting a cool towel on your neck or some other acupuncture points to avoid heat shock. 7. Create air conditioner from fan
No air conditioning? Do not worry! A cleverly placed bowl of ice is all you need to turn a fan into a cold mist. Place a basin of water or ice tray in front of the fan for a cool breeze. 8. Choose cool clothes
Wear loose, light clothing made of breathable fabrics like cotton and change your bed sheets to cotton for more comfort. 9. Turn on ventilation fans in the kitchen and bathroom
This is essential because it helps to get rid of hot air from cooking or after you shower all over the house. 10. Change the light bulb
If you’re having trouble cooling your home and can’t figure out why, incandescent bulbs could be the cause. These bulbs were phased out in Australia many years ago, but in Vietnam many families are still using them. This type of bulb generates a lot of heat, so switching to energy-efficient bulbs can help cool your home and save you tons of energy costs. 11. Put a basin of water in the room
Another trick to lower the room temperature is to put a basin of water in the room because on the high temperature the water evaporates will help reduce the temperature significantly to make the room cooler. 12. Put a lot of plants in the house
Not only preventing dust and filtering the air, plants also have a great effect in lowering the temperature of the room. However, do not leave many trees in the bedroom at night because then it produces CO2, which is not good for health. Long-term measure 13. Limit the use of many electrical appliances
Not only is it a matter of saving electricity, but also because the heat emitted from electrical appliances and household appliances during operation will add a few degrees of Celsius to your already secretive house. Therefore, families should focus on living in a room with scientific time instead of spreading it as usual. 14. Reduce the heat for the roof
For private houses, especially on the street, because there is usually only one facade, blocked on all three sides, the heat of the sun entering the house is mainly from the roof. Therefore, you should add false ceilings with heat-resistant materials such as gypsum plaster, foam insulation bags to keep the house cooler. 15. Natural heat blocking
If you live in a private house and have a land fund, use the shade of trees to cover the windows and walls. Plant deciduous trees that shade your home in the summer, but let the sun shine through in the winter. If you can, invest in tinting your windows to keep out more heat radiation.
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