Volume of eight billion euros Immediate climate program decided
Status: 23.06.2021 12:01 p.m.
The federal cabinet has launched an emergency program for climate protection. The program has a volume of eight billion euros – the promotion of energy-efficient buildings is the largest item. The federal government has decided on a so-called immediate program for climate protection worth a good eight billion euros. The program is part of the federal budget for 2022, presented by Federal Finance Minister Olaf Scholz. The climate finance plan is intended to help promote the switch to climate-friendly technologies and to achieve the federal government’s new climate targets.
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Largest amount for energy-efficient buildings
The package of measures includes around three dozen funding programs for investments, for example in the building, energy and transport sectors, most of which will be allocated to the years 2022 and 2023. With 4.5 billion euros in the next two years, the largest sum is to go into promoting energy-efficient buildings. A total of one billion euros will also be earmarked for climate-friendly social housing in the coming years; 150 million euros should be available for this in 2022. The plan also includes the plan to raise the minimum energy standards for new buildings.
Hundreds of millions for climate protection contracts
The federal government intends to provide another larger amount – 650.2 million euros – for climate protection agreements with industry. These contracts are state funding programs that are intended to offset the additional costs for climate-friendly production, for example for the use of green hydrogen. The steel industry is to receive 100 million euros for converting its blast furnaces to hydrogen-based production processes. The total funding for industry amounts to 860 million euros. There are also more than a billion more for traffic. For example, more than 300 million euros have been budgeted for the expansion of the cycling infrastructure.
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Scholz speaks of “money well invested”
After the cabinet decision, the Federal Finance Minister spoke of a “clear signal”: Germany should “become a pioneer in climate protection”. He praised the plan as “money well spent”. Man-made climate change is “the greatest challenge of our time”, continued Scholz.
In the past two years, the federal government had already invested more than 80 billion euros in climate protection projects. The financial plan that has now been adopted is a template for the coming legislative period. Only then can the Bundestag deal with it again within the framework of budget deliberations and adopt the program
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