Home Beauty 15 tips for skincare and yourself in 2021

15 tips for skincare and yourself in 2021


We have been through 2020 with many challenges, so 2021 is the time when we need to pay more attention to taking care of ourselves.
Your skin and hair can look lifeless and dull, which is the ideal time for them to rest. Most importantly, starting with simple steps can create good, lasting habits. Learn about how to take care of yourself and how to achieve healthy skin and glowing hair by 2021 with experts from Herbalife Nutrition Group.

Why should I have a habit of taking care of myself?

We’ve all been feeling a little more stressed lately, and stress can actually affect our health. Stress causes inflammation in the body, slowing down your digestive system. This affects bacteria in the gut, which can cause acne, eczema, redness and psoriasis. Stress also dries out the skin because adrenaline and cortisol are elevated.

Keeping a daily routine can help you manage stress and its effect on your overall health. A self-care routine will help you keep your skin and hair soft, moist, and healthy.

How to take good care of your skin

The skin is the largest organ in the body and it is important to keep the skin moist and nutritious. Staying in a skincare routine not only helps your skin look better, it also helps you feel great.

1. Wash your hands before washing your face

According to dermatologist Ava Shamban, bacteria, viruses and allergens go from the tip of the finger to the skin. So make sure to wash your hands well before touching your face.

2. Do not wash your face with hot water

Hot water can irritate the skin and strip the skin of natural oils, which is essential for healthy skin. Use warm water to wash your face.

  1. Start with the basic steps

You should have at least three basic products as part of your skincare routine:

  1. A facial cleanser for your skin type.

  2. Moisturizer with sunscreen (SFP) protection against harmful UV rays.

  3. Skin exfoliants. 15 tips 4. Use a cleanser that is suitable for your skin

Using the right cleanser for your skin type can make a big difference in how your skin looks and feels. Make it a habit to wash your face morning and night before bed like brushing your teeth.

Avoid regular hard soaps that can strip your skin of natural oils. Instead, choose a gentle cleanser that has been tested by a dermatologist and is sulfate free. For dry skin, choose products with softening and moisturizing ingredients like aloe and chamomile. If your skin is oily, choose ingredients that keep your skin fresh, like oranges and grapefruits.

5. Moisturize the skin daily

A day moisturizer with a broad spectrum sunscreen is perfect for everyday use. If you feel the need for extra moisture, apply the serum daily underneath your day moisturizer.

When shopping for a serum, look for products with hemp seed oil (an oil known for its skin care properties). Hemp is known as a miracle plant because it contains phytonutrients, which work to keep water and moisturize.

6. Exfoliate weekly

Facial scrubs can help you get brighter and healthier skin in just a few minutes. Exfoliation is required at least once a week as it helps to remove dead skin cells from the skin’s surface.

When we are young, the body automatically sheds skin even in the shower, but as we age, that process is changed and slows down. Additionally, exfoliating helps to remove the barrier that prevents your skin care products from penetrating and gives you their inherent benefits. Hand exfoliation makes skin smoother and looks healthier.

Look for products that are gentle but with strong exfoliating ingredients like blueberries, pomegranates, and bamboo seeds. These types of ingredients can help keep skin soft and smooth without harming the skin.

7. Use a clay mask

Masks are very beneficial for oily skin. You do not need to apply it every day. Apply once a week or more can bring amazing benefits to your skin.

Bentonite clay is my favorite clay because it is known for its skin absorption and firming properties. It will remove oil, dirt and dead skin. This will help prevent pore clogging and thus prevent breakouts. A good clay mask will also help keep pores small.

8. Drink enough water

We all know the importance of water for the maintenance of overall health, while it is also important to the health of the skin. When hydrated, skin becomes smooth and radiant. Get into the habit of placing a water bottle at work so that you won’t forget to drink.

How to properly cover your face before going outdoors

These days I am often asked this question. Here are my top tips on wearing a mask or face veil.

9. Choose the right mask

Make sure you choose a comfortable fit and is made of breathable material. Not all fabrics are equal, and polyester can sometimes hold sweat, irritate and cause acne. Look for cotton masks as these can help absorb sweat and clear your skin.

Do not reuse a worn mask; This will help prevent the spread of bacteria and bacteria. Change and wash your mask regularly as this will reduce acne and redness throughout the day.

10. Take care of skin before wearing a mask

Just like you take care of your body before dressing by moisturizing, before wearing a mask you should also use a facial moisturizer with moisturizing properties.

Look for ingredients like chamomile and aloe that are known for their soothing moisturizing properties. Moisturizers can help prevent irritation. Try to avoid thick and greasy makeup as it can clog your pores. If you wear makeup, look for makeup that contains minerals and ingredients like titanium dioxide that help absorb oil in your skin.

11. Take care of skin after wearing a mask

After a long day of wearing the mask, be sure to take care of your skin with moisturizing and sulfate-free products. Sulfates are powerful detergents that alter the lipid structure of the upper epidermis and cause discomfort.

After removing the mask, be sure to rinse your face with a gentle cleanser with moisturizing ingredients that help remove dirt and oil from your skin. Avoid using hot water as it can irritate and lose moisture in your skin. Use warm water as the skin is inherently sensitive and this will help prevent further irritation. Finish the steps by applying a moisturizer with antioxidants and essential oils that can restore and soothe your skin.

Hair care tips

Regardless of the weather conditions, pay attention to your hair and scalp! You should apply the following to take good care of your hair:

12. Get enough sleep

When you rest, your body repairs itself. A good night’s sleep is required for the protein synthesis of the hair and the release of growth hormones and enzymes that are required for overall hair health. Try to get at least 8 hours of sleep a day.

13. Keep a balanced, healthy diet

A healthy diet is key to the health of your hair. Protein is essential because your hair is made up of a hard protein called keratin, which helps in building strong hair, skin, and nails. You also need to focus on trace minerals like copper, iron, magnesium and selenium, as well as Vitamins E, D and C.

These nutrients are important in the production of keratin. Antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of vitamins as well as healthy fats. Fish is also a great choice because omega-3 fatty acids promote hair growth.

14. Choose the right shampoo

Choose a shampoo specifically for your hair type to keep it strong. Opt for mild shampoos and conditioners to help restore hair and return it to a healthy state.

Choose sulfate-free products that are clinically tested to improve hair strength. Try to avoid products with chemical ingredients as they can be harmful. Look for milder ingredients like aloe, shea butter, and plant-based trace proteins to help soften and firm hair.

15. Use conditioner more often

Even on days when you don’t wash your hair, if your hair is wet, apply some conditioner. This will help retain the necessary moisture. As the water evaporates, it absorbs moisture from the inside of the hair strands out and makes the hair dry and weak.

Consider a weekly hair treatment, including the following homemade ways: 4 tablespoons of coconut oil, 2 tablespoons of warm pure honey and a little ripe avocado mix well, (if your hair is longer, you can add more coconut oil), apply to newly washed hair and dry. Put on a shower cap and let it sit for about 20 minutes before washing off. This is a great alternative to store-bought conditioner treatments.

The year 2021 is the perfect time to begin a healthy self-care routine. This only takes a few minutes, and as often as you go, you will find it even easier. You will find that after doing it regularly for a few weeks, your skin and hair will thank you for being brighter and healthier.