Besides vests, men can combine other fashion items to create an elegant look and elevate their style.
Instead of wearing a vest, men can wear it blazer Ivy League style. Men can remove the tie, replace the penny loafer with leather shoes for more comfort. This recipe gives a casual or formal look thanks to the material and length of the pants, top style, accessories, according to GQ . Image: Glance Online. To enhance the outfit, men can use additional accessories such as pocket scarf . It has the effect of breaking the monotony of the blazer. In addition, the majority of towels are made from satin fabric, bringing outstandingness and sophistication to the wearer. Image: SuitYourself Singapore.
One of the items that is being loved by men is wool vest (also known as “grandfather’s shirt”). Sleeveless style with comfortable material, variety of colors reminiscent of designs worn by grandparents decades ago. In addition, it has many versions such as buttoned, knitted, V-neck… to suit everyone’s taste. Image: Vogue, Sohu.
According to the GQ Mexico , many vests with sports style. Men can take advantage of that to make a change to their appearance. You can replace the classic shirt with polo shirt fit. Men should pay attention to use light fabrics to look more elegant. Besides, you can also change the turtleneck sweater into a boat neck. Image: The Modest Man.
In the case of wearing a shirt, men should consider using cufflink . This item helps the experiencer look more outstanding. Cement is manufactured from many different materials such as glass, stone, leather, metal… Photo: OTAA .
Alternatively, you can use cardigan replacement for jacket. This is the best way to create a casual but no less formal. Guys should wear a turtleneck or V-neck sweater over a shirt, paired with chinos and loafers. Image: The Modest Man.
If you do not want to wear typical casual pants, men can change with linen pants cool. Besides, the belt is an item that should not be missing in the outfit. It increases visual interest, helping the experiencer look more balanced. Image: geeks fashion. 5 dressing tips to help men look taller Men need to do some things when mixing clothes to look tall and balanced.
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