Home Travel When the peony is in full bloom, there are always two cities...

When the peony is in full bloom, there are always two cities in China that are always compared. Why is this?



After the baptism of the cold winter, all things on the earth ushered in the spring of recovery. With the continuous increase in temperature throughout the country, flowers everywhere have also bloomed, and outing and viewing flowers has become the most lively outdoor activity in the spring season. Of course, every city will have its own distinctive flowers, which will become the focus of people’s appreciation, such as the cherry blossoms in Wuhan that we are familiar with, the rape blossoms in Wuyuan, etc. In addition, there is another flower that is the focus of attention by tourists from all over the country. , She is known as the “national flower”-peony. “The peony demon in front of the court is incompetent, and the Chishang Fuyu is pure and young. Only the true color of the peony, which moves the capital when the flower blooms.” Liu Yuxi’s “Peony Appreciation” in the Tang Dynasty has been passed down through the ages, and it also allows us to see the Tang Dynasty from the poem In the prosperous age of the pilgrimage to all nations, visitors who appreciate peonies today still recite Lang Lang’s poem “Only the true colors of peonies, the capital is moved when the flowers bloom”. We all know that peony is a rare woody flower unique to my country. It has been grown naturally for thousands of years and has a history of artificial cultivation for more than 1,500 years. It is widely cultivated in China and has long been introduced all over the world. The peony is regarded as the king of flowers, and the related cultural and painting works are very rich. As early as the end of the Qing Dynasty, the peony was once regarded as the national flower of China. Through the dynasties, there has been a wind of appreciation of peony, which has continued to this day. The peony is graceful, luxurious, beautiful, and magnificent. It means auspiciousness, wealth, and prosperity. It is a symbol of the prosperity and prosperity of the Chinese nation. Therefore, peony has become a well-deserved “national flower” in the hearts of Chinese people, and it has also become the most popular flower in spring flower viewing. Whenever the peony is in full bloom, there are always two cities in China that are unavoidable to be “compared”, and they have always been controversial. One is Luoyang, known as the “Millennium Imperial Capital, Peony City”. , A Heze known as the “Peony Capital of China”. “Luoyang is the most suitable flower, and peony is especially strange in the world.” It is also because more literati and poets in history have left most of the poetry and poetry of peony appreciation on Luoyang peony, so our first reaction is that peony is closely related to Luoyang. Therefore, the peony in Heze will be ignored. In fact, both cities have their own long history of peony cultivation and peony appreciation. The cultivation of Luoyang peony began in the Sui Dynasty, flourished in the Tang Dynasty, and was in the world in the Song Dynasty. Luoyang peony flowers are huge, with many varieties and unique colors. There are 9 major colors of red, white, pink, yellow, purple, blue, green, black and multiple colors, 10 flower types, and more than 1,400 varieties. Whenever Luoyang peony flowers The blooming season is still “only the true national color of peony, and the blooming season moves the capital”. In fact, the cultivation history of Heze peony is not inferior to that of Luoyang peony. Its cultivation began in the Sui Dynasty, flourished in the Tang and Song Dynasties, flourished in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and has enjoyed the reputation of “Caozhou Peony in the World” since ancient times. The planting area of ​​Heze peony has exceeded 16,000. Hectares, it is the world’s largest peony production, scientific research, export base and ornamental tourist area with the largest variety and most complete colors. It is the national peony high-tech industrial base. In the hearts of most visitors who appreciate peony, Luoyang peony and Heze peony seem to have been compared. Compare whose peony blooms more vividly, compare whose peony blossoms are more touristy, compare whose peony industry develops better, compare whose peony varieties are more, compare whose peony has a longer history of planting, compare whose peony The peony planting technology is more mature, etc. In short, various comparisons can be made. In fact, for the people of Luoyang and Heze, the peonies in the two places have their own development paths. Luoyang peonies are more for tourism development, and Heze peonies are more inclined to industrial development. Although the two are different, they have their own development paths. The close connection, the locals did not compare them, but better plant peony and develop the peony industry, so that more flower-viewing tourists can understand peony and understand a city.