Prince William and Duchess Kate are two of the earliest members of the Royal Family to begin attending Prince Philip’s funeral. As the British media reported, William wore a suit instead of a military uniform. And Kate, as on many important occasions, uses jewelry with many meanings.
Prince Charles, husband and wife William and Kate were the first to start attending Prince Philip’s funeral. Just as the British media had previously reported about the Queen’s request that no one wear a military uniform to “save face” for Harry, both Prince Charles and Prince William wore military uniforms. suit black, wearing a black tie.
William and Kate were two of the earliest to attend the funeral. Photo: Beretta / Sims / REX. Duchess Kate Middleton, previously thought to be likely to come after William, is now accompanied by her husband. She was dressed in black, wearing a black veil, and was praised by many British newspapers as having a dignified and elegant outfit.
Kate wears dignified and elegant clothes. Photo: Max Mumby. The special thing is that Kate wears the famous pearl necklace, which belongs to the Queen. Before Kate appeared, some royal writers predicted that she would wear accessories to show solidarity and loyalty to the Queen, and that prediction was correct.
William – Kate looks pretty sad. Photo: Beretta / Sims / REX. The necklace that Kate wears is borrowed from the Queen. Previously, Princess Diana also borrowed this necklace from the Queen. Kate paired the pearl necklace with diamond earrings, which also belonged to the Queen. This is a very special necklace, as it is said to be a gift the Queen received on her wedding day to Philip. Kate had borrowed it to wear on a number of formal occasions before. She is known to often use delicate accessories to express certain intentions.
Three generations of the Royal Family wear the same pearl necklace. Photo: Tim Graham/Getty; PA Images/ Sipa; James Whatling/MEGA. William and Kate looked quite sad as they sat in the car. The Royal couple have a very good relationship with Prince Philip, and William once wrote in his tribute that he was grateful that his wife had had “so many years” to be with and understand his grandfather.
Prince Charles attends his father’s funeral. Photo: Beretta / Sims / REX. Today, William – Kate will also meet Harry for the first time in more than a year. Thuc Han According to many sources
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