The name Quach Thai Cong is no stranger to those in the interior design profession because of its highly creative designs.
Quach Thai Cong is a Vietnamese-German interior designer who owns Thai Cong Interior Design. Recently, he shared on his Villa Home Addiction Group and had mixed opinions from the online community.
The designer Quach Thai Cong’s sharing: “ The villa of designer Thai Cong is just a walk from his workplace to relax without getting tired. Quiet, isolated, discreet in the facade like many other luxury houses in the same area, but like many other works that Thai Cong has done, he always has a way to surprise visitors. visit with his very sophisticated and delicate arrangement. A green corridor immediately welcomes and opens a discreet path leading into the house, creating an immediate contrast with the lobby, which has been renovated to navigate, creating very tight layers of space. methodical, procedure but not ostentatious. With the intention of directing the guests’ emotions skillfully, the airy – tight space just opens and closes and leads a rich experience. Formal double doors lead the entrance to the living room with the ceiling opening to maximize its height with two large poster paintings of classic movies from the 1920s that homeowners love. The 7th art is also a great inspiration for Thai Cong’s living space, where he can recreate the splendid dream of Gatsby parties, the golden age has long been a sign of luxury. , luxury. Occupying the entire upper floor of the villa is the bedroom – the couple’s only living space – which is truly the heart of the house. Do not hesitate to invest in the experience of waking up in a life that he thinks is the most splendid: “No need to set an alarm clock, not have to hold the phone and drink fresh orange juice every day”. The bathroom is the most beautiful statement – with enough space for a relaxing table and chair, because “why not?” – Thai Cong shrugged and answered like he was calmly at the debates surrounding the “set of principles” of design and behavior in the living space that he and his media team have been working hard to do in recent years. here. Villa Thai Cong is both a place to show off his own talent and unique aesthetic intuition, and an art declaration that this designer has been pursuing throughout his life – a unique beauty, honoring the ultimate standard of classic style. ELLE DECORATION Vietnam, 05/21 “.
Overall, the price of the online community is quite confusing
After sharing, there were 2 responses from the online community, some expressed admiration for the lavish design but some thought that this design of Thai Cong designer was quite confusing. Specifically, some comments from the online community are quite confusing: ‘I just see a house inside with a lot of expensive stuff, but I can’t see a beautiful house. Except for the swimming pool area “ Too confusing. I think I’m a low-class, uneducated person who is not “luxurious” enough to enjoy this beauty! “Maybe the house is beautiful for everyone, but I keep seeing how messy and heavy the decoration in the house. Only the best corner is the swimming pool, and the feeling left is so suffocating. The day went to work. I’m tired, I have to stay at home at night, I really don’t want to “ “Looking at your design I see wasted space, intricate finishing materials and decor and decor too dazzling, like getting lost in a furniture store. You put too much material on the wall. wasting money while shrinking the area unnecessarily and not necessarily beneficial for the user because industrial finishing materials will contain unhealthy chemicals. Households and decorations are completely confusing plus the reflection effects created by you using more mirror-gloss materials Please quote an image for you to feel for yourself. I don’t like this redundant layout “ “Too many languages and styles mixed in one space, excess experience in the arrangement but lack the core value of the design: not following a style. Certainly the author has a high aesthetic but not the designer. space design, definitely not from an architecte “ Before that, the online community was also stirred up when singer Doan Di Bang revealed that the cost of hiring Thai Cong designer to design for his new house was up to 7.5 billion VND. With this number, it is also enough to see that the design rental cost of designer Nguyen Thai Cong is not cheap. Tam Pham
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