Home Cuisine A quick breakfast with a variety of easy-to-make delicacies

A quick breakfast with a variety of easy-to-make delicacies


To limit crowding, you can prepare your own meals from familiar ingredients without having to go to a cafeteria.
Bread, instant noodles, rice, porridge are popular foods. Just combine simple ingredients such as eggs, sausage … you will have a delicious meal, saving cooking time.

Bread Milk dot bread is a childhood reminder, familiar to most Vietnamese because of its simplicity, delicious taste and addictive taste. You do not need to prepare elaborate, only with crispy hot bread and condensed milk can enjoy. If you want to break the rules, try adding iced cocoa to dot the bread. Simple ingredients include pure cocoa powder, condensed milk and some ice cubes. The slices of bread are pre-cut, when eaten in a thick glass of cocoa, there is a bit of bitterness and sweetness, bringing a refreshing feeling. Each style of enjoying bread brings its own delicious taste. Photo: Congcaphe, Chanlovefoods, Hukha.foodaholic, Hoanglam.foodie. Egg cream bread is also a suggestion not to be missed. You whip the egg yolks. After beating for about 5 minutes, add sugar and continue beating until the mixture is smooth, light yellow, you can use bread to taste the aroma and fat. Pan bread with easy-to-prepare ingredients is also great for preparing in the morning. Fried eggs, sausages, rolls, pate, canned fish or cheese can all be used to create quality, nutritious food pans. In addition, some cilantro, carrots, sweet and sour radish, cucumber will help you get sick. When you eat, you tear the bread dipped in rich sauce and sip each ingredient in the pan to feel the full taste. Pasta Mixed noodles are a familiar, easy-to-make dish that saves you a lot of processing time. From instant noodles, you blanch with boiling water. However, do not blanch for too long because it will make the noodles soft and reduce the taste. Noodles are removed, then mixed well with seasoning and sauce packages. For more quality dishes, you can enjoy mixed noodles with eggs and green vegetables. Ingredients such as shrimp, beef, sausages, fish balls … or vegetables can be used in this dish. A plate of stir-fried noodles with varied toppings makes for a delicious breakfast. Dry noodles mixed with sauce combined with eggs, meat or seafood … are all delicious. Photo: Hoanglam.foodie. Pilau With the cold rice available, you can immediately make the egg fried rice that is fast, but still delicious and nutritious. After frying the shallots with the oil, place the rice in a pan and stir over low heat. Next, you add eggs and stir well with rice until the eggs are dry, sticking to the rice. Soy sauce, pepper, monosodium glutamate are indispensable spices to make the meal more rich. Fried rice has eye-catching colors, stimulating the taste buds of people. Photo: Quynhu.joyn, V_vkumo. In addition, green beans, carrots, sausages, pomegranate rolls, if combined, will make the fried rice more eye-catching and strange. The rice is poured into a plate when eaten, the above is scallions, cilantro is more flavorful. If you like, you can decorate with tomato or cucumber. Porridge To ensure your health during the complicated Covid-19 epidemic days, do not forget to prepare delicious and nutritious porridge. By storing rice in the refrigerator first, following the steps of rinsing the rice, draining it, putting it in a nylon bag and placing it in the freezer overnight, the moisture in the rice will freeze, the rice grain cracks and the cooking time will be faster. Delicious, hot porridge bowl is quite ideal for you to recharge at the beginning of the day. Photo: Chef_thuy_pham, Aspiringtable. When you cook, put the rice in a pot of water, place it on the stove and cook on low heat. During this process, do not forget to stir the pot for about 10 minutes at a time so that the porridge does not clump or clump. A little salt will be seasoned to help the porridge taste fat and mouth-watering. Types of green onions, perilla, and Chinese aroma help make the dish flavorful. In addition to the simple porridge with eggs and onions, the processor can combine shrimp, mushrooms, meat … depending on the taste to make the meal more delicious, rich in quality. 3 delicious, simple dishes made from eggs Housewives can refer to the following 3 simple ways to prepare breakfast for the family. The dish only takes about 5-7 minutes to process.