Home Cuisine Americans learn Asian to catch cicadas and make all kinds of horror...

Americans learn Asian to catch cicadas and make all kinds of horror dishes


At first, they were hesitant, but after enjoying the deliciousness of cicadas, Americans began to learn how to make many different dishes from cicadas themselves.

Summer comes, Americans go crazy again with cicadas sweeping everywhere. Although they do not cause damage to crops like locusts and grasshoppers, their cries are extremely scary. Seeing a good opportunity, Asians in the US began to promote many dishes from cicadas, from fried, traditional grilled to pizza, stir fried, cooked with sauce.. At first, they were hesitant, but after enjoying the deliciousness of cicadas, Americans began to learn how to make many different dishes from cicadas themselves. Recently, a famous pizza restaurant in Ohio has launched a spicy Thai cicada pizza. After launching the test version, the number of customers responding is not small, those who have tasted it say that the cicada pizza is very delicious. Since then, many variations with cicada pizza have been expanded, giving customers more choices. Most people think that although it looks terrible, cicadas eat very well. Cicada pupae are more common than cicadas. Americans use onions, peas, peppers, garlic, lemons and the like to make salads with cicada pupae or stir-fries together. A rich, aromatic cicada sauce created by Americans. Pictured is a traditional Mexican tortilla with fried cicadas. Those who have tasted it say that it is more delicious than regular cakes. The main reason is because fried cicadas are very crispy and high in protein, so they have a delicious taste. Americans are now starting to add cicadas to many of the dishes they normally eat. Fried cicadas sandwiched in burgers is a typical example. Some more sophisticated people also make a delicious cicada sauce, which is to mix mashed potatoes, butter with salt and pepper, squeeze a little lemon on top, sauté red onion, jalapeno, garlic, and finally serve with tick sorrow and eat together. Many main dishes are decorated with cicadas on top, and even cicadas are wrapped in chocolate to make cicada chocolate and other desserts. However, experts from the US Food and Drug Administration recently warned Americans addicted to cicadas that it is best not to follow the cicada eating trend if they are allergic to seafood. . That’s because cicadas are close relatives of lobsters and shrimp. Invite readers to watch the video: Strange dishes of Vinh Phuc people