Many people suddenly change their lives because while eating seafood, boiled eggs suddenly bite rare gems, worth a fortune.
Go eat and bite a precious pearl
Sina recently reported that while eating at a coastal restaurant in China with a friend, a girl suddenly bit into a rather large stone. While exasperated, she tried to make a fuss, but the girl froze because she saw that it was a pearl. Worried that the restaurant owner would get the pearl back, the girl quickly signaled to her companion not to say anything. The two girls hurried to pay and immediately left the restaurant. Both feel extremely lucky, did not expect to accidentally find a valuable pearl when going out to eat. Buy a snail to catch a rare pearl According to Dailymail, at the end of January, Ms. Kodchakorn Tantiwiwatkul (in Satun province, Thailand) went to a local market to buy sea snails to cook for dinner. Fresh seafood when she bought it cost 70 Thai baht (more than 51,000 VND). When Tantiwiwatkul was cutting snails into small pieces, he accidentally discovered an orange foreign object in the hard shell. At first, the girl simply thought it was a stone. But after checking, she was shocked to learn that the “foreign object” was actually a rare Melo pearl, weighing 6 grams with a diameter of 1.5 centimeters. Its value on the market is currently in the tens of thousands of dollars depending on the quality of the gem. Precious pearl found by Thai girl. But Ms. Kodchakorn Tantiwiwatkul is not the only one to find a rare pearl while eating snails in Thailand. On February 10, a truck driver named Monthian Jansuk (40 years old) went to a local market and bought ingredients to cook for his family. Among the seafood he bought was a rather large apple snail, priced at 50 baht (about 40,000 VND). While eating the snail, his son Monthian bit into something very hard and quite large. When released, people saw a very beautiful orange pearl, about the size of a coin, weighing more than 7 grams. Mr. Monthian went to ask his neighbors and found out that it was a Melo pearl – the rarest and most valuable pearl in the world. Then, Mr. Monthian Jansuk sold the gem for 33,350 USD (nearly 770 million VND).
The jewel was found in the snail by his son Monthian Jansuk. Melo pearls are formed in the shell of a sea snail called Melo Melo, not inside mussels like other types of pearls. Melo pearls cannot be artificially cultured, only found in nature. Its find rate is very low so it has a high value. This type of jade is often found in the waters off the coast of countries such as Vietnam, Thailand and Myanmar. Going to dinner, biting an extremely rare pearl ABC News reported that in 2016, while having dinner with her husband at a restaurant, Lindsay Hasz (of Washington, USA) bit into something “very hard” in the oyster dish. “It was quite dark in the restaurant at the time, it was hard to tell what it was, but when you looked closer, it was really beautiful,” said Lindsay Hasz.
The pearl is worth about 600 USD. Lindsay Hasz then showed the gem to Gemologist Ted Irwin, president of the US Northwest Geological Laboratory. Based on the pearl’s surface, roundness and color, Mr. Irwin estimated the pearl weighed more than 1 carat and was worth around $600. Eat boiled eggs bite the diamond In 2017, Ms. Sally Thompson (39 years old, in Carlisle City, Cumbria County, England) was lucky to get a small diamond when she ate an egg.
Diamond in a boiled egg trứng According to the Huffington Post, during a breakfast, Ms. Thompson bit the stone while eating a hard-boiled egg. When she dropped it on the plate, she discovered it was a sparkling gem. This egg was bought by Sally Thompson at a store in a British supermarket chain. Collette Francis, who used to work on a chicken farm, said the hen may have eaten the diamond and when it laid eggs, the diamond “run” out. Go eat oysters, bite… pearls The story of going to eat oysters, biting pearls happens quite a lot in the world. On October 19, 2019, when going to dine at Stern and Bow restaurant in New Jersey, USA, grandparents Anton and Sheryl Schermer suddenly found a rare gem in the oyster dish eaten at the restaurant. The value of the pearl is up to hundreds of millions of dong. Also in 2019, Eric Bourquin and his wife were eating oysters at a restaurant in British Columbia, Canada when they discovered something like a tooth. Actually, it’s a pearl. Later, he found 47 more pearls.
48 pearls were found in oysters (Image: ABC) Earlier, on December 5, 2018, Mr. Rick Antosh (66 years old) and a friend had lunch at Grand Central Oyster Bar restaurant (located in New York, USA). He ordered oysters for $14.75 (more than 340,000 VND). While eating, he felt a small hard object in his mouth. Mr. Rick at first felt scared because he thought he had just… lost his teeth. As it turned out, it was a natural pearl and cost up to $ 2,000 (about more than 46 million VND). In 2015, Caroline Costello (living in the UK) and her fiance bought oysters to celebrate after buying a new house. While eating, she noticed a “crack” sound in her mouth. When she looked closely, she realized it was a pearl. Later, she also found a black pearl. The total value of 2 tablets is about 1000 pounds (about 28 million VND). In the same year, 53-year-old Toni Elliot (who lives in the US) went to eat at Puckett’s Boat House restaurant. While eating, she bit into a pearl. Later, she found many other pearls with a total of up to 50 pearls. A restaurant manager in New Jersey, USA, found a pearl in fried oysters while dining at Russo’s pub in the Washington Borough. Pearls are formed in mollusks. They are a symbol of luxury and wealth. A pearl can be sold for 1 million USD (about more than 23 billion VND) if it is a natural pearl. Hanh Nguyen (Synthetic)
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