Home Cuisine How to make delicious sausage potatoes appealing to children

How to make delicious sausage potatoes appealing to children


Hot sausage potatoes are delicious, fragrant aroma of fragrant leaves blended with the fat leopard of cheese, the richness of sausages, the flesh of the potatoes. Dab a piece of potato with tomato sauce or chili sauce, the more appealing the taste is.

RESOURCES – Potatoes: 700g (4 large bulbs); – Shredded cheese: 100g; – Cornstarch: 90g; – Fragrant leaves: Rosemary (Rosemary) or Thyme (Thyme) or Thyme (Basil) are both: 2 teaspoons full. – Cilantro (cilantro) or fresh parsley: 1 small bunch. – Sausage (or sausage): 2 pcs. – White salt, seasoning salt. HOW TO MAKE SWEETS Step 1: Preliminary processing of raw materials – Wash and finely washed cilantro; – Peel potatoes, size areca pieces, put in a pot to boil with a little white salt. – Boiled sausages, finely sliced, to be about pomegranate seeds. If made from sausage, if you want to reduce fat, then after chopping it can be sautéed for about 3 minutes or put in an oil-free fryer for 4 minutes at 170 degrees Celsius. Step 2: Create sausage shape – Potatoes are cooked until cooked, then picked up in the basket for the procession. Then place the potatoes in a large bowl, using a spoon to puree while the potatoes are still hot. – Put all the ingredients: shredded cheese, 1/2 teaspoon seasoning salt, herbs, chopped coriander, cornstarch in mashed potatoes, put on gloves and mix to blend the ingredients. . Finally, add the chopped sausage, squeeze and mix the last time to get 1 block of smooth sweet potato flour. – Divide the potato flour block into small pieces of flour, and mold it into a sausage-sized shape. – Put the sausage potatoes in an oil-free fryer (lined with parchment paper or foil), fry for 15 minutes at 170 degrees C, then turn the sausage potato stick, bake for another 5 minutes at 185 When the potatoes are ripe, they are fine. The hot sausage potatoes are delicious. Wish you all success!