Home Architecture Close-up of green tree branches, the price of millions of dong is...

Close-up of green tree branches, the price of millions of dong is hunted in Vietnam


Recently, on social networks, there has been a lot of fun hunting for branches full of green leaves to plug in the house. It is known that it is heather, imported from Japan, so it is quite expensive.

Recently, a leafy green plant called heather has been actively hunted by sisters to decorate the house to create a cool feeling. In particular, even if it is a branch, just plugging in water can play for a whole month. This is not a tree species of Vietnam but has to be imported from Japan, so the price is quite expensive. The price of heather varies from 300,000 to 600,000 VND/branch, from 1.3 to 1.6 meters high. There are even beautiful branches that are 2-2.2 meters high and cost up to 1.4 million VND. At the end of the flowering season, heather can still be used as a decoration for a long time, until about October onwards, it is no longer available. Therefore, many people actively hunt to buy and play on this occasion because the green leaves bring ethereal and luxurious beauty. Heather belongs to the bushy family of shrubs, can grow up to 40cm tall, with light green leaves. They are often found in temperate countries such as Japan, Russia, Belgium, … This is one of the favorite plants to grow indoors in a minimalist style, especially heather has no scent so anyone can play. Around August is the time when heather flowers, growing dense clusters, colors from pink, red, purple like pomegranate clusters swaying in the wind extremely beautifully. Heather has the advantage that even at the end of the flowering season, the large clusters do not fall off but lie on the bush, making the tree and flower can be used for decoration for a very long time. Heather pots must be chosen in accordance with the age of the plant and gradually change to larger pots according to the growth of the roots. Unlike indoor bonsai pots, heather likes to grow in shallow and wide pots. This is the best growing medium for the tree because its roots will grow up after a few years of development. Heather does well and grows best in acidic soils. Should add more mud and humus to add enough organic matter for the plant. Good drainage under the pot is also important so that the roots do not become waterlogged. Heather branches are like peaches and pears in Vietnam but are quite small and fragile, so when transporting, you have to be careful and gentle otherwise very easy to break. Please watch the video: The strangest shaped trees in the world. Source: Happy and healthy every day