Home Science Conserve 10 species of endangered animals on the planet

Conserve 10 species of endangered animals on the planet


Illegal hunting and climate change are a vital threat to animals. That is why many conservation organizations have collaborated to create a safe environment for them in nature.
In addition, the disappearance of forest animals as millions of acres of land are being destroyed every year, not to mention plastic waste released into the ocean, which is a serious threat to turtle populations and other species.

Bright Side brings together 10 rare creatures that are on the brink of extinction. Global mountain gorilla Currently the mountain gorilla has increased to about 1,063. They can only be found in protected forests. This is evidence that conservation efforts can bring a species back on the brink of extinction. However, illegal human hunting remains a major threat to the fauna of Bwindi-Sarambwe. Sao la The saola species was discovered in the Annamite forests of Vietnam. The main threat to saola is hunting activities and environmental climate impacts. That is why many conservation organizations have collaborated to create a safe environment for them in nature. Animal with dunnart bag This tiny creature can only be found on Australia’s Kangaroo Island, with an estimated population of less than 500. The widespread cleaning of the vegetation by humans has put the dunnart in a very dangerous situation. In addition, wildfires in Australia in 2019 and 2020 have burned 95% of the species. That is why a closed sanctuary was created to keep dunnart and other endangered species safe. Iberian lynx This rare species can only be found in the jungles of southwest Spain. From 1985 to 2001, their population decreased by 87%; So far, there are about 400 lynx in the wild. Their natural habitat continues to be destroyed by new highways and cut down trees. Black-footed ferret While people thought they were extinct, tiny creatures have proven to still exist. However, their population is rapidly declining due to disease and the loss of their natural habitat. Their total population is estimated at around 370 in the wild. Massive restoration efforts by many federal agencies and zoos have provided space for the weasels to survive. Gharial crocodile In 2010, only 15 crocodiles were found in the Gandak River in Bihar. That’s why in 2014, a conservation initiative freed 30 crocodiles from captivity and returned them to the river, and their population began to increase. Kakapo For the first time in 70 years, the kakapo population is increasing with about 213 species of birds existing. Only during the 2018-2019 breeding season, 71 young survived, which is a record number for this species. The recovery team tries to make sure the birds stay healthy and protected from infection. Their next goal is to find a good habitat for the birds as disease is their main threat. Canadian harbor seals Found in Quebec, this is the only species of its kind that can only survive in fresh water thanks to fish. To date, only more than 100 live in the area. The cause can be attributed to human hunting. Also, in many cases, seals get trapped in their gears and cannot free themselves. Leopard Amur This leopard has found a way to survive in the jungle in the Russian Far East. They live up to 15 years in the wild and more than 20 years in captivity. They have an amazing ability to run very fast and jump high. However, the loss of habitat and human activity has reduced their number to about 84 individuals. Vaquita dolphin This very rare marine mammal was discovered only in 1958. However, in recent years, vaquitas dolphins have been victims of illegal fishing activities. They are often trapped in fishing nets. That is why their population is only about 10 in the Gulf of Mexico. They can be found in shallow water but will quickly swim away if a boat approaches them.