Owning an orchid garden with many precious orchids makes many people admire. Owner Duy Trong Hai said, to collect a wide variety of species and maintain his passion for orchids he had to spend a lot of money as well as a lot of effort to find and choose good varieties.
Unlike many people who come to orchids for economic interests, the owner of the orchid garden Duy Trong Hai comes to orchids because of passion. From the love for the pride of this flower, he decided to collect new varieties to beautify his garden. Up to now, the garden of the owner Duy Trong Hai has many different orchid varieties, attracting many orchid lovers to visit and admire. Every time a friend comes to play or a brother in a love-orchid association comes to his house, Mr. Hai is happy to introduce a few new orchid rolls he just found. He considers each orchid in the garden as a soulmate, where he vented his mind after stressful working hours.
At first, his orchid garden only had a few baskets, with a value from a few hundred thousand to several million. Each orchid is carefully selected and cared for by him. Because he does not have much experience in caring for orchids, Mr. Hai chooses easy-to-raise and easy-to-grow sausages to accumulate more experience. In the process, he also encountered many difficulties, having orchid rolls because he did not know how to care but was waterlogged, the tree has not grown yet. The family also advised him to leave, because orchids are difficult to raise, with high prices, to maintain his passion is not easy. However, his love for this flower has helped Duy Trong Hai overcome difficulties, he looks to people who have experience in the profession to learn, interact with his brothers in the flower love association and gradually find a way to raise orchids. healthy. The joy of successfully cultivating an orchid manually made Duy Trong Hai forget her previous hardships and more determined to pursue her passion.
Up to the modern time, the orchid garden of Duy Trong Hai owner has collected many different strains of orchids such as: Orchids, 5 CT SH, 5 CT HD, 5 CT Thao Nguyen, Anonymous Beauty, Hong Phu Hoa, Hong Runner …. Each spring roll has its own beauty. There are pure sausages with flowers and brood leaves, others blooming in brilliantly beautiful bunches. Hundreds of colorful racing flowers adorn the garden of the young boss. Mr. Duy Trong Hai specially dedicated a large garden to grow orchids, the distance between the rolls is also carefully calculated by him so that the orchid grows well, not crowded or lack of light. When a guest comes to visit Mr. Hai’s house, he will wholeheartedly introduce clues to buy beautiful orchids and how to choose like orchid rolls. These are the experiences that he gathered after years of playing orchids and growing orchids. He advised orchid players not to buy trees with thin, short, broken roots. Most orchids in your garden have a healthy root system, this is the first factor to help orchids grow and live well.
Sharing more about the meaning of each orchid in the garden, Mr. Duy Trong Hai happily said “There are rolls, I have to go to the forest, it takes a few days to bring back. But when I arrived, I found the orchid so beautiful, I was fascinated by the look, so I did not feel tired. When there are friends to “hunt” beautiful orchids, he offered to go along. Just one person confided in his passion and found a satisfactory orchid “. For Duy Trong Hai, he is always lucky because his relatives and family understand and support him to pursue the joy of growing orchids. At first, seeing that he spent a lot of money in pursuit of fun, his family was a bit afraid, but gradually found this joy more rewarding and made him happier, loving and caring for his family, so the whole family. no more objections.
Mr. Hai confided, “Playing orchids is not just a hobby but also helps me to change myself.” When planting orchids, he learned to be patient, to care and to listen. When he talked to people with similar interests, he learned to inspire and become more sociable. Many people believe that playing orchids is burning money, not realistic, but when you have real love, you can feel the joy and values that orchids bring. He believes that everyone has their own joy, just boldly pursue your passion, not too interested in social prejudices.
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