Home Science Invasive species caused trillions of dollars in damage

Invasive species caused trillions of dollars in damage


The invasive species, also known as damaging alien species, have cost the global economy nearly $ 1,300 since 1970, averaging $ 26.8 billion a year, the researchers estimate.

Mosquitoes transmit diseases such as chikungunya, dengue fever and zika. (Source: wwmedgroup) These mosquito carriers, species rodent animals Destroying crops, wood boring insects, and even domestic cats are invasive species that are causing enormous harm to humans and the natural environment. According to a study published March 31 in the journal Nature, researchers working at the Laboratory of Ecology, Taxonomy and Evolution at the University of Paris-Sacla in France estimate invasive species. the so-called damaging alien species has cost the global economy nearly $ 1,300 since 1970, averaging $ 26.8 billion a year. The actual number could be even higher, researchers warn. The team synthesized a wide range of harms that invasive species cause to different habitats, including plants, insects, reptiles, birds, fish, mollusks, microorganisms or animals. mammal. Most harm is related to ecosystems, crops, fisheries and disease control measures. The team has made a preliminary list of the top 10 invasive pests, including the plant-eating rats and the Asian gypsy moth – two species that are devastating crops across the Northern Hemisphere. The list also includes zebra mosquitoes native to Southeast Asia that transmit diseases such as chikungunya, dengue fever and Zika. According to the researchers, the average annual damage caused by invasive species triples every decade. However, there is some evidence that the number of invasive species has increased “exponentially” due to increasing international trade, as humans import many species of organisms. In Australia, wild rabbit populations of European origin, first recorded in the early 19th century, have become invasive species causing great harm to the ecology of the Oceania nation. this over the past 150 years. They reproduce at an uncontrollable rate, consume soil, damage native species, as well as destroy crops with billions of dollars in damage. On the island of Guam, US overseas territories in the Pacific, invasive brown tree snakes native to Australia and Indonesia have “slaughtered” the majority of native bird and lizard populations since being accidentally brought in to come here in the mid-20th century. They also threaten people and sneak into equipment, causing frequent power outages. In forests in the US and more recently Europe, the longhorn beetle originating from Asia is also destroying the vegetation, causing serious damage to the ecosystem. According to the study, domestic cats are also among the top 10 invasive pests. This animal that has been “traveling” around the world for hundreds of years has now become an “invasive” species on most islands in the world, “slaughtering” birds, reptiles and animals. Amphibians in many parts of the world. The United Nations Scientific Advisory Committee on Biodiversity (IPBES) said that it is among the top 5 culprits of environmental destruction worldwide, along with changes in land use and resource exploitation. , pollution and climate change. In 2019, IPBES estimates that the number of invasive species has increased to 70% since 1970 in the 21 countries studied. Laboratory director on Franck Courchamp said international trade will increase more species of organisms introduced, while climate change will help more of these imported species survive and thrive. With the above research, scientists hope that by giving a figure of the damage caused by invasive species, people as well as authorities will raise awareness about the severity. of invasive species. Early detection, good data combined with preventive measures can significantly reduce the damage invasive species cause. The researchers also hope this issue will be included in the list of the serious environmental challenges facing humanity to receive more attention.