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It’s ‘hot like fire’, 6 trees like air conditioners help reduce heat in the house


Aloe vera, betel nut, betel nut … are indoor plants that are both easy to care for and help reduce heat on hot days.

Aloe vera is one of the indoor plants that help “green” the interior space in the summer. Not only cooling the house, aloe vera also has a great ability to purify the air, providing more O2 to help cool the environment. Ornamental areca is commonly grown in living rooms. Ornamental plants have the effect of reducing the temperature in the room, removing benzene, formaldehyde and trichlorethylene from the air. Banyan, fig, and si trees are all known for their ability to lower temperatures, reduce pollution and improve air quality. In addition to the ability to absorb toxic gas, betel nut also helps cool and fresh air. Betel nut can live in soil or hydroponics, you can grow betel nut on the table, wall, balcony… Ferns not only cool and humidify the air, but they can also remove formaldehyde. Scientists at NASA consider ferns to be one of the most efficient “air purifiers”. The tiger tongue tree is another suggestion from NASA to help clean the air. Plants give off oxygen at night, keeping the air cool as well as absorbing large amounts of indoor toxins. Image source: Internet Video: House of 25m2- opportunity to have a house for many people? Source: VTV24