Trung Yen village – Dien Ngoc commune (Dien Chau) has 32 households producing rice cakes; of which 17 households produce rice cakes and 15 households produce dry cakes (sesame cakes).
The village head, Nguyen Dinh Hoa, said that the traditional craft of making multi-craft cakes in Trung Yen has been around for a long time. According to the calculation of the village chief, this trade village has existed for a hundred years ago. His life, his father’s life has done this profession and is followed by descendants. Photo: Tran Canh Yen Traditional dry cakes (sesame cakes) in Trung Yen hamlet are produced by hand. Mr. Nguyen Dinh Hoa – hamlet chief said: On average, every day, households consume 5-6 quintals of raw rice for the production of rice cakes, thus contributing to the consumption of agricultural products in the area. Photo: Tran Canh Yen.
The mass-produced spring rolls undergo sun drying for just a few hours to collect. As for sesame cakes, they must be dried all day dry enough to bake before consuming. Photo: Tran Canh Yen.
Each household producing spring rolls attracts 15-20 laborers with a working day of 170,000-250,000 VND / person. Children and the elderly still contribute labor to making rice cakes. Photo: Tran Canh Yen.
The process of rolling the cake and collecting the rice cakes was hard and very urgent. If it is sunny, the drying cake starts to reach the point where it will pull out on the drying pad, then immediately collect it from the torn crackers; When it rains, people hang the cake “put their feet on the neck” and collect the cake from the wet. Photo: Tran Canh Yen.
Trung Yen’s baker has contributed to poverty reduction and legitimate enrichment. Mr. Nguyen Dinh Hoa said: For every quintal of raw rice for making rice cakes, minus the cost, he also earns a profit of 900 thousand – 1 million dong.
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