Home Business No agreement in the coalition Tenants have to bear the CO2 price...

No agreement in the coalition Tenants have to bear the CO2 price alone The coalition seemed to agree: Landlords and tenants should share the CO2 costs on oil and gas in the future. But the Union no longer went along with it. Associations and the opposition are angry – and generally criticize the climate protection concept.


No agreement in the coalition Tenants have to bear the CO2 price alone

Status: 22.06.2021 4:31 p.m.

The coalition seemed to be in agreement: landlords and tenants should share the CO2 costs on oil and gas in the future. But the Union no longer went along with it. Associations and the opposition are angry – and generally criticize the climate protection concept. For the time being, tenants in Germany will have to bear the additional costs due to the CO2 price on oil and gas alone. An agreement reached by the federal government weeks ago to relieve tenants has now failed. The Union faction did not want to participate, did not want to burden landlords and landlords additionally. “A division of the additional CO2 costs between tenants and landlords would be counterproductive, since the CO2 price is intended to steer behavior”, said Union faction vice-chairman Thorsten Frei of the news agency dpa.


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Incentive to produce less CO2

It should be worthwhile for the consumer if he uses less CO2, said Frei. That was the reason why the Union faction rejected the division. After all, landlords are not responsible for heating costs, according to Frei.

At the same time, Frei emphasized that it had already been ensured that it was not closed “social imbalances” come “Those who receive transfer payments receive their housing costs from the state. Those who are entitled to housing benefit have received ten percent more since the beginning of the year in order to cushion the CO2 price”said Frei.


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Criticism from the SPD and the tenants’ association

The SPD side, on the other hand, expressed its disappointment. The Union has refused to include the landlords and landlords in the higher CO2 costs for living. This leave you behind “bitter aftertaste”said SPD parliamentary group leader Rolf Mützenich. “Now the tenants alone have to bear the additional costs”, he said. “This is not how we imagine social climate protection.”

Of a “impending price shock” SPD parliamentary deputy Sören Bartol spoke for tenants “Editorial network Germany” (RND). The no from the CDU and CSU to the division model “exposes the social coldness of the Union”, he said. The German Tenants’ Association called the regulation in the RND newspapers one “hit in the face” of the tenants.


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Additional expenses of up to 160 euros

The cabinet decision of May 12th originally provided that landlords should bear 50 percent of the costs of the national CO2 price in future tenancies. According to the current legal situation, tenants take on the costs arising from CO2 pricing, currently EUR 25 per tonne.

The consequence of the regulation: If heating continues to be mainly fossil fuel, it will be expensive. Like the portal “Check24” has calculated, the CO2 price of 25 euros for a family with a rented apartment and a consumption of 1000 liters of heating oil per year results in additional costs of almost 79 euros. A family with a house has to pay about twice as much.

Eight billion euros for climate protection

Originally, the now burst relief for tenants was noted in the so-called immediate climate protection program. The immediate program will now go into the cabinet without the corresponding passage. It essentially contains the plan for the distribution of the eight billion euros that are to be used in addition to climate protection measures in the coming years. But the coming federal government has to implement this. SPD parliamentary deputy Matthias Miersch, who negotiated the details of the climate and energy program with the Union to the end, spoke of one “Bridge to the next legislative period”. Miersch criticized the concept for the expansion of renewable energies as a failure. Here it was not possible to give the federal states binding targets, for example for the expansion of wind energy on land. Giving wind and solar energy a boost through changes in the law is now the task “Future task of the next government”said Miersch. Environment Minister Svenja Schulze (SPD) referred to RTL / n-tv on concrete progress, for example in the replacement of climate-damaging oil heating systems, but also admitted: “We could do a lot more.”


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Germany is aiming for greenhouse gas neutrality by 2045, five years earlier than originally planned. Then only as much climate-damaging gas should be emitted as can be neutralized again. Politicians argued for weeks about the right way to get there and only agreed on the final key points on Monday.


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