The structure of deputies to the XVth National Assembly is expected that the proportion of full-time deputies will increase from at least 35% to 40% (out of 500 delegates), equivalent to 200 people.
Clip: Mr. Nguyen Tuan Anh shared about a special case of participating in the election for the National Assembly deputies:
As a rule, full-time National Assembly deputies must meet many conditions and standards; including age. Eligibility for re-election must be at least 1/2 of the term of office (30 months) or more as of May 2021. To better understand this issue, we had an interview with Mr. Nguyen Tuan Anh, Deputy Representative of the Standing Committee of the 14th National Assembly Standing Committee.
Sir, in the next election for deputies to the 15th National Assembly, do experts consider some cases where experts will be re-elected?
Some special cases, when considered to be included in the electoral roll, there are 2 reasons. One is special in terms of age, the other is special on-demand, specialist standards. But even if you are an expert, you must follow the regulations set forth by the Politburo.
So far, how many special cases are we still unable to assemble, but can be understood as: These special cases are by the Ethnic Council and the Committees of the Standing Committee. The National Assembly recommends, recommends for consideration and will also be forwarded to the National Election Commission.
Mr. Nguyen Tuan Anh, Deputy Representative of the Standing Committee of the 14th National Assembly.
Are these cases being put on the list for voting, sir?
If possible, it will be put on the list, but with the condition that the comrades have submitted their application, they will face many difficulties if they have not yet submitted the application. The law requires that the application be submitted to the National Election Commission if it is a central delegate and to the Election Commission if it is a local delegate before March 14.
So any special cases must be introduced by the units, must follow the process, can not do wrong.
Sir, the thing that voters are most concerned about is the quality of the deputies. The quality of full-time delegates will greatly determine the quality of National Assembly deputies. The question is, is it because of the lack of full-time delegates, lowering the bar?
I immediately asserted: Not because of the structure, but to lower the standards and this was also affirmed by the Secretary of the Party Union, the Chairman of the National Assembly that it is not because of the lack of people but lowering the standards of delegates.
All full-time delegates must go through a carefully selected process, but it cannot be due to the lack of and disregard for the quality of the delegates.
For the introduction of deputies to the National Assembly, standards must be based on. For full-time National Assembly deputies, apart from the general standards, they must meet the requirements of National Assembly deputies, which have already been guided in writing by the Politburo and the Central Organizing Committee.
We have also concretized the writing of the National Election Commission already. The Standing Committee of the National Assembly also sent documents to localities, ministries, departments and agencies to guide the implementation.
So how much is the shortage of delegates at present, sir?
The actual quantity is now also synthesizing from the locality, from ministries, departments, and agencies and collecting dossiers. In terms of quantity, some agencies are still lacking. But the lack here is the lack of procedures.
For example, up to this point, the application must be submitted in full, but the application process still has to be supplemented. As for the number up to this moment, records have received enough.
Of the 40% full-time deputies including 138 representatives from central agencies and 67 members of the National Assembly dedicated to the local level. A total of 205 people.
Sir, there are some cases where is Deputy Director, position of Deputy Director, what is the standard?
As for the position of Deputy Director, if it is not full, the National Election Commission will certainly not approve and from now until the election day is still very long.
We also negotiated a third time and proceeded to collect voters’ opinions at the place of residence. If these candidates do not, then surely the voter residence will have an opinion.
After collecting opinions of the voters at their place of residence, those opinions will be sent to the provincial Fatherland Front, the province is gathered and brought to the Standing Committee of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front.
After the 3rd consultation is completed, the official list will be released.
Thank you very much!
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