Since the 30s of the last century, the French have ‘found’ Ba Vi as a new discovery of the 20th century because it has great potential to become a luxury resort.
Tourists go on a pilgrimage to Ba Vi mountain to offer incense to the Uncle Ho Temple and the Holy Ghost Tan Vien Temple Look for living witnesses to complete information for visitors In the report dated August 30, 1942 of Ambassador Son Tay Fucat to the Governor of Tonkin on the Ba Vi mountain planning project, evaluated: “Ba Vi mountain area will become a resort with higher benefits than Tam Dao. … ”. The reason is “the road from Hanoi to Ba Vi is very convenient. The distance from Hanoi to the 1,000m level is only 67km. There are only 12km of mountain roads. The slope of Ba Vi mountain is not more than 10% (meanwhile in Tam Dao it is 14%, even 16%). The climate in Ba Vi is not as wet as Tam Dao. The temperature does not change too much, the lowest is 17.8 degrees C and the highest is 29.6 degrees C ”. From 1932 – 1944, the French built many works here such as motels, amusement parks, churches, orphanages, summer camps, youth schools, military bases … At a height of 1,000-1,100m on the western slope of Tan Vien peak is a secret political prison system solidly built to imprison our patriotic communists against the colonial regime. The prison is arranged into 3 zones: Zone 1 is the residence for the prison guards, zone 2 and 3 are the places to keep prisoners. With a total area of nearly 1,000m2, it can detain from 100-200 people. Currently, documents about the political prison are limited, Ba Vi National Park (National Park) is actively looking for surviving witnesses and related documents to gradually refine information. service visitors to visit. National park staff introduced the historical traces
Ba Vi National Park is characterized by a mixed forest of broadleaf trees and low mountain subtropical conifers Preserve spiritual and historical values Currently, Ba Vi National Park has 217 vestiges from the French colonial period with unique architecture in harmony with nature. And Ba Vi National Park is trying to bring these historical vestiges into tourism development associated with biodiversity protection and preserving historical and spiritual values of Ba Vi mountain. Mr. Do Huu The – Director of Ba Vi National Park took us along the winding road under the lush green trees to visit Ngoc Hoa cave. This cave is located at an altitude of 350m, about 200m from a motorway. Crouching through a small stone arch covered with vines, we can see the cave. Here, we observe a natural phenomenon that took place millions of years ago, that is the slide of geology due to the movement of the Ba Vi mountain formation, which created interesting caves. Above the cave is a large rock formed by 3 solid pillars to create a large arch about 15m2. Next to the rocky cave is a bat cave with a very “fertile” door shape. The cave consists of 4 doors piercing the mountain bed and is home to about 5-6 species of bats. However, the cave is very deep and dangerous, currently Ba Vi National Park has not allowed visitors to visit. Lying above the bat cave is “The Rock”. Legend has it that this is the place where Princess Ngoc Hoa (the 18th son of Hung Vuong) homesick and looks at the land of Phong Chau ancestor. From Ngoc Hoa cave, we can reach out to the forest lying on the slopes and the villages running far away on the foot of the mountain.
A hundred-year old green cypress tree on top of Tieu Dong
“The stone pool” at Ngoc Hoa cave During the camping or picnics vacation, young people will be guided by the humorous and experienced silviculture rangers to the ancient forests, offering incense at the Uncle Ho temple on the top, the holy temple. Strolled at the middle top, visited the prison area where the revolutionary soldiers were imprisoned, visited the French post at a height of 600-700m, which is now only ruins. Moreover, I heard stories of our army’s march through the jungle, along with the demonic demonic battle. Then let your heart blend with nature, you will be able to climb nearly 1,000 steps to visit the ancient green cypress forest on top of Tieu Dong. This is characteristic of mixed broadleaf and low mountain sub-tropical coniferous forests. You can comfortably sit on the smooth layers of moss, listen to the great wind in harmony with the sound of the holy forest birds, the cicadas squealing in the cool summer day, making magic concerts of the forest. blue.
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