For snail connoisseurs, all know, most types of snails can process many delicious dishes when stir-fried, steamed lemongrass or boiled. But if you have chosen the spiny snail, only the grilled dish is the best.
The reason this snail has the name of the spiny snail is because there are large and small spines on its back. Depending on the region, the spiny snail has different shapes, the most difference being the short length as well as the sharpness or concentricity of each thorn, and in the thickness of the shell as well as the taste of the snail. The prickly snail is classified as a popular snail because the prickly snail itself is not as sweet as the snail, the fat snail or has a strong taste like a rock, jackfruit … so the price is quite cheap. However, if you know how to process, the snail also has a very unique flavor.
Charcoal-grilled thorns snail makes it attractive. Thorns snail seems to be the number one grilled dish, there is no way to make the thorns snail fragrant and eat as delicious as the grilled thorn. To process delicious grilled snails, before baking we need to soak the snails to release all the dirt, especially sea sand for about 1 hour or so, it is best to soak the snail with water to wash the rice thoroughly. out of hotel. If the snail has a lot of moss sticking around the shell, it should be beaten clean. Normally when the snails are cleaned, we can take them to grill too, but according to the experience of Mr. Pham Van Giap – a chef of a restaurant specializing in seafood in Tien Yen district, let the snail roast fragrant. then we should steam a snail with lemongrass and a little beer. Lemongrass is cut, crushed, then put in a pot of water, add about half a cup of beer and then boil, let the snail steam for 3 minutes, the aroma of lemongrass and beer will blend into each snail, so when roasting the thorns will have a fragrant aroma. especially. Moreover, this way of steaming the snail will help keep the fresh water of the snail without losing it like when we boil it. Before bringing the snail to roast, we need to have one more step that is to remove the shell, doing so to avoid when roasting the snail will stick to the shell when eating, we may not get it. out of snail meat.
Grilled spiny snail will be very round when dipped with sour and spicy snail sauce. Finally, set the charcoal fire to reddish and then put the snail on the grill. Because the snail has been steamed lightly, we just need to see that the mouth of the snail is dry and no more bubbling, the snail is ripe. The finished product of the steamed snail steamed with lemongrass charcoal is the fragrant snail with the smell of lemongrass and beer with a yellowish shell, when enjoying, just pick up on the plate and use it when hot, accompanied by a spicy and sour sauce. mixed with delicious snail meat is a dish that becomes irresistible.
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