Salted duck eggs with two hearts are loved because they both mean good luck and have double the greasy yolk. The town of Gao Biao (Jiangsu, China) is the place to provide this specialty.
In China, when it comes to salted duck eggs with two yolks, people often think of Cao Biao. This town is famous for providing rare specialties. Photo: CNN. Located in an area with many rivers and lakes, including Cao Biao Lake, which contains 1/3 of the province’s fresh water, the town has many conditions to develop the duck, swan, and geese breeding industry. Photo: CNN.
However, that is not the only natural factor that makes salted eggs a famous specialty of the town. Salt – an important ingredient – also abounds in the neighboring city of Yancheng. Therefore, the profession of making salted eggs in Cao Biao gradually formed and developed. Photo: Chinadaily.
Farmers here find that people often consider eggs with two yolks as a blessing, because they are very rare. Besides, two yolks also mean a higher amount of nutrients. Therefore, they selected these egg-laying ducks and bred them to obtain a higher number of double-boiled eggs. Photo: Chinadaily.
According to a 2011 study, double-yolk eggs account for 2-10% of duck eggs in Cao Biao. Eggs are carefully examined with a lamp to select them before salting. Photo: CNN.
Finished products are sold all over China at many times higher prices than single-yolk eggs. Many people also prefer to eat the yolk – which is rich and soft – over the rather salty white part. Photo:
Eggs are often eaten with white porridge, rice, or used to make cakes and prepare many other dishes. Photo: Jerry Tng.
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