Gen Z often whispers to each other that ‘April oil flowers, May phoenix flowers’ and Hoa Hoc Tro always reigns in our teen’s hearts every month.
When the early summer rain came, the wind gently blew through the tall branches, the oil petals also began to fall on the streets of Saigon, letting themselves spin in the wind, making many passers-by eyes bewildered.
The streets of Saigon this season are filled with oil petals. Oil flowers (brown peas) were planted by the French in Saigon during the colonial period on the poetic streets of Alexandre de Rhodes, Le Duan, Pham Ngoc Thach, Paster… Biking in the afternoon, oil flowers falling on the shoulders and the skirts of schoolgirls fluttering in the wind are images that evoke many memories of many generations of Saigon people.
The area in front of the City Post Office is poetic with castor wings covered. Although the COVID-19 epidemic has made the area around Con Rua Lake and in front of the City Post Office no longer as bustling as before, it still paints a poetic picture of a peaceful and sobbing oil flower season. Just a light breeze, each petal of oil gently fell on the hair of the office worker, on the street vendors, and then landed on the sprawling brick floor.
Young people enjoy taking pictures with oil flowers. The oil flower season reminds me of many memories of my school days, Diem Quynh (District 1, Ho Chi Minh City) shared: “Every afternoon, after school, with my best friend, each child has a bag of rice paper. One day, the oil flower fell into a plastic bag, closed her eyes, picked it up, and picked it up to think of laksa leaves, the two burst into laughter. A gentle breeze blew, oil flowers falling on her hair. Perhaps that image is the best memory of my 12th grade year and will never be forgotten.”
Some young people take advantage of borrowing background Poetic oil flowers to make lookbook photos. Some teenagers also call oil flowers with cute names like pinwheel flowers, wind flowers, and crop flowers. Oily flowers have thin yellow-brown wings and are divided into many types of black stars, brown cherries, and otters.
In Saigon, many hundred-year-old oil trees create shade for the people of the city
Many oil trees on the streets of Saigon are as old as our grandparents. The trunk of the tree stands tall and upright, catching each light breeze and then spreading the foliage like the hair of a young girl who suddenly dropped her hairpin, which are beautiful oil flowers.
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