Home Architecture The house becomes a ‘fire furnace’ from the wrong habit of consuming...

The house becomes a ‘fire furnace’ from the wrong habit of consuming electricity in the summer


Some habits that are considered ‘heat-proof solutions’ for your home you think are right, but in fact, they are wrong to make your house hotter and hotter.
Closed doors or open throughout the day

Closing the door when using the air conditioner is natural. However, many families have a habit of avoiding heat by keeping the door closed throughout the day, even though the air conditioner is not always on. In fact, this method only helps to prevent sunlight from entering, but the heat is still absorbed by the windows and surrounding walls. This amount of heat will be surrounded in 4 walls, so it feels stuffy and uncomfortable. At night, when you step inside, you still feel that everything is hot. Turn on the fan, open the door when it is sunny, making the house more hot On the contrary, many people have the habit of opening the door all day, turning on the fan to get natural wind to blow into the house, creating ventilation and cooling the room. However, this is not at all true for sunny days, especially around midday. Because at this time, the outdoor temperature is higher than the indoor temperature, opening the door in combination with the fan will cause the heat to come in, the more you turn on the fan, the more hot and stuffy it is. Therefore, it is most reasonable to open the door early in the morning and then close it. When the sun is out, open the door again to let the outside air into the room to help cool down and reduce stuffiness. You should create more ventilation for the house with small doorways, this is where the air is drawn when the power is out. The air conditioner heater is located in a sunny place Installing the right air conditioner will help you enjoy a more pleasant summer. However, placing the air conditioner heater in an unreasonable position can make the house not as cool as desired, in addition, it is also easy to damage the air conditioner and consume a large amount of power. The heater is left outside, where the sun shines, making the air conditioner work less Air conditioner manufacturers often design and apply technology to help air conditioners withstand harsh weather. However, it is not because of that that we can install the air conditioner heater in any outdoor position without a roof. For convenience, many families today often choose to install the heater on the terrace, on the roof or outside the wall, … without a roof. The heater placed in a place with direct sunlight will increase the temperature of the heater, the air conditioner will work less, the feeling of coolness will decrease, causing the indoor temperature to remain high. The best place to place the air conditioner heater is in a cool place, avoid direct sunlight and have a roof. No curtains or choose the wrong material, curtain color Many people think that curtains are only suitable for the house in winter days, so do not use curtains for summer. In fact, according to some studies, the window is the place to absorb 30% of the heat from the outside. Therefore, in the summer, curtains will be an intermediate item to separate the scorching sunlight outside from the space inside. Using curtains to cover the door on hot days will see the effect immediately, the room is noticeably cooler. Curtains help separate the outside sunlight from the inside space However, it is also necessary to choose the right material and curtain color to be suitable for the summer. Thick and dark velvet curtains are completely unreasonable for the summer house. Curtains with heavy materials and dark colors only make the room feel more stuffy and cramped. Currently, the market has many designs of curtains or lace curtains, thin curtains, bright colors that are both beautiful and convenient, suitable for all spaces from the living room to the bathroom, making the house cooler. on a hot day. “Forgot” the balcony The small garden on the balcony also contributes to making the house less hot Many people are afraid of cramped space or busy with work that “forget” the balcony area. Not taking advantage of the balcony area to “green” with trees is a mistake that makes the house hotter in the summer. Just a small garden with vines, hanging baskets, flower pots on the balcony also contributes to reducing the temperature of this area, softening the summer sun, making your home more comfortable in the winter. hot weather day. Ovum (Synthetic)