According to agronomists, in order to get fruit next year, longan and litchi trees must pass two gates to produce flower buds and set fruit.
Fused phosphate fertilizers and specialized multi-factor NPK fertilizer products for Van Dien at the same time provide a full and balanced supply of essential nutrients for longan and litchi trees, helping them to grow strong and resistant to external conditions. unfavorable situation. Video:
Characteristics of the tree group that produces fruit at the tip of the branch Lychee belongs to the group of year-round green leafy trees, multi-use trees, both for fruit, shade and landscape. The trees in this group often have the phenomenon of fruiting every year, which means the year of fruiting, the year of no fruit, the year of little fruit, the year of many fruits. Longan and litchi are all fruit-bearing trees, …. That is, the branch from the fall of the previous year is the mother branch bearing fruit next year. If the branch is healthy and the cake is dull next spring, flowers will bloom on the top of the branch. If winter has budded spring leaves do not flower. Therefore, in order for the tree to produce many flowers next spring, it is necessary to prepare many branches from the previous autumn, the branches are old and strong. That depends first of all on the post-harvest care. Longan and litchi trees grow fruit after a year, after harvesting, the branches and leaves fall off, which is the period when the tree is most physically exhausted. From the research results of agricultural experts, after harvesting, the roots are the part that loses the most force, followed by leaves and branches. In order to produce normal fruit next year, folk care experience along with cutting branches, pruning the canopy must be “compensated” or “compensated” in the post-harvest period. The selection of fertilizers and fertilization techniques are very important in order to restore the health of the tree, ensure the recovery, growth and development after 5-6 months of fruiting to continue to produce fruit next season. After harvest, longan and litchi trees need to be cared for and “compensated” so that the next crop can still be productive. Photo: TL. Van Dien fertilizer – The perfect choice for longan and lychee Among the current fertilizers, in addition to organic fertilizers, only Van Dien fused phosphate fertilizer and Van Dien NPK multi-element fertilizer products can meet the above demand for longan and litchi. Easily digestible nutrients in Van Dien fused phosphate fertilizers include: P2O5 15-19%, MgO 15-18%, SiO2 24-32%, CaO 28-34%, and many other micronutrients such as Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Bo, Mo…. Multi-factor fertilizer NPK Van Dien 5.10.3 has the content of nutrients such as: N=5%; P2O5=10%; K2O=3%; S=2%; MgO=9%; CaO=15%; SiO2=14%. In addition, there are trace elements such as B, Mn, Zn, Cu, Co… that other fertilizers do not have. Recently, the multi-factor fertilizer products NPK Van Dien 6:12:3 or multi-factor fertilizers NPK Van Dien 10:7:3 are very good fertilizers for fruit trees, especially in the post-harvest stage. .
Using Van Dien fused phosphorus products and Van Dien NPK multi-factor fertilizers helps to provide a balanced, complete, multi-, medium-, and micro-nutrients for longan, litchi to restore roots and branches and leaves. Photo: Instructions for fertilizing longan and litchi in the post-harvest period This year’s lychee fruit season is very good, so it is necessary to increase efforts to take care of litchi early, while the longan trees bear fruit unevenly, even many trees do not bear fruit, so the care of this year’s longan must be specific to each tree. Non-flowering longan and litchi trees: The longan and litchi trees this year do not flower if this year is not well taken care of, next year will certainly be poor in harvest. To prepare for the fruiting season in 2022, with the trees that do not bear fruit this year, around June and July, corresponding to the annual fruit collection time, still cutting, pruning and weeding as every year. At the same time, apply deep fertilizer with 3-4 kg of composted organic fertilizer and 3-5kg of Van Dien fused phosphate fertilizer, in order to provide phosphorus and secondary and micronutrients, part to prepare and accumulate nutrients. for the next crop, the nutritional compensation for the recent overgrowth of leaves is too strong. The litchi trees, longan trees are bearing fruit: Immediately after collecting the fruit, it is necessary to immediately start weeding for the trees: Prune toothpicks, pests, overhanging branches, branches under the canopy … at the same time, fertilize the trees, hoe around the canopy and then fertilize. The amount of fertilizer for each root is about 5-10kg of composted organic fertilizer, 5-7kg of Van Dien fused phosphate fertilizer and 3-5kg of Van Dien NPK multi-element fertilizer (5:10:3, 10:7:3. ..). Mix well with the soil, spread it in the canal and fill 2/3 of the trenches, grass cabinets, and garbage to keep the stumps warm. If the soil is too dry, it needs to be watered to keep the roots moist. Based on the time of harvest and the health of the tree, it is necessary to affect the summer or autumn buds. The early fruit trees in June, July, after weeding and fertilizing will give summer buds. Fertilizing for the autumn fortune: Locusts are formed on the leaf axils of summer buds (for early-harvesting plants) or grow from the leaf axils of fruit branches with late-autumn plants. This is the fruit branch of the next year’s longan and litchi crop, so it is necessary to pay special attention to adjusting fertilizer so that the harvest ends before November every year. Apply fertilizer to promote autumn buds in September and October after the summer buds have matured (into the leaves), apply 2-3kg of multi-element fertilizer NPK Van Dien 10:7:3 in combination with felling, pruning and removing branches. pass) in the canopy.
Apply fertilizer to promote the collection of 2-3kg of multi-element fertilizer NPK Van Dien 10:7:3 in combination with felling and pruning. Photo: Vadfco. Note, only fertilize the autumn buds for trees under 15 years old, showing signs of lack of fertilizer, poor growth (showing yellow-green leaves) or late fruit trees in August, September. The growth pattern of the tree and the yield of the harvested fruit with more or less fertilizer application. If the weather is dry, it must be combined with watering to help the plants recover quickly and develop early autumn buds. When the buds are collected evenly, it is necessary to spray insecticides to ensure that the buds come out evenly and abundantly, the young buds grow well and are strong enough to make fruiting branches next year. Usually on an old fruit branch, there are many new shoots. When the young branches have enough leaves, it is advisable to trim away the weak, weak branches, leaving only the strong, fat huts to keep as the mother branch for the next crop. In the winter months, do not water, fertilize, create all conditions for the tree to “barren”, inhibit the formation and development of winter buds. By applying Van Dien fused phosphate fertilizer and Van Dien NPK multi-factor fertilizer right after fruit collection to create many vigorous autumn branches, combined with inhibiting winter buds, spring when the weather is warm and humid, longan trees , the fabric begins to spring up. Only apply fertilizer to catch flowers for longan and litchi when flower sprouts appear in the axillary leaves of the branches, the amount of application is about 3-5kg of multi-factor fertilizer NPK Van Dien 10:7:3 or 10:10:3, buried. Seal the manure, then water it to stimulate the buds and flowers. Fused phosphate fertilizers and specialized multi-factor NPK fertilizer products for Van Dien at the same time provide a full and balanced supply of essential nutrients for longan and litchi trees, helping them to grow strong and resistant to external conditions. Under unfavorable circumstances, especially during the winter break, litchi trees balance growth with development, creating bountiful fruit seasons.
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