Home Health Vinh Phuc: Provincial General Hospital successfully treats patients with rare heart disease

Vinh Phuc: Provincial General Hospital successfully treats patients with rare heart disease


Vinh Phuc General Hospital has just successfully and thoroughly treated patient Nguyen Thanh Ut 9 years old, residing in Tam Duong district (Vinh Phuc) with rare cardiovascular disease syndrome (below photo).

Doctor Nguyen Van Cong – Deputy Director of Cardiology Center, Vinh Phuc General Hospital said: As for the syndrome of Nguyen Thanh A patient encountered, it is a rare disease, especially young patients. The treatment is somewhat more difficult, in addition to the time of treatment (fast, timely) also has a great significance in keeping the patient’s life. Currently, there are 3 methods of treating disease such as using electric shock machines, drugs to suppress the disease and electromagnetic waves to detect the location to burn (damage) and destroy the disease waves. The above methods are the most radical treatment plan compared to other methods, definitive treatment does not recur.

Doctor Nguyen Van Cong added that the case of A patient was the first case of Wolff Parkinson White syndrome successfully treated by Vinh Phuc General Hospital. Usually, this dangerous disease will have to be transferred to higher levels for treatment and few provincial hospitals can treat patients with the above syndrome.

Before that, patient Nguyen Thanh Y was taken to Vinh Phuc Province General Hospital on April 11, 2021 with clinical symptoms such as anxiety, shortness of breath, chest pain, and heart palpitations. Admitting the patient, the doctors diagnosed the patient with paroxysmal tachycardia, the time of checking the patient’s heart rate 229 times / minute (compared with a normal person with a heart rate of 70-80 times / minute). Patient was diagnosed with Wolff Parkinson White syndrome (WPW), described in 1930 by 3 authors L. Wolff; J. Parkison and PD White. The development of the patient’s health, the treating doctors contacted Hanoi Heart Hospital for professional and technical support. Through confirmed diagnosis this is a case of Wolff Parkinson White syndrome, very rare, the rate of 20 to 30 people / hundred thousand people. With a scientific treatment regimen, after 1.5 hours of actively treating Nguyen Thanh Ut patient’s health, she has recovered normally. Currently, the patient’s health is stable.