Home Health 10 signs of miscarriage women need to know

10 signs of miscarriage women need to know


There are many causes of miscarriage, and most miscarriages happen around the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. Here are some warning signs of miscarriage.

Bleeding: Bleeding and menstrual-like cramps can be signs of a problem with your baby. Bleeding is the most common and basic sign of miscarriage. During a miscarriage, the amount of bleeding is usually very large, unlike the light bleeding that is common in healthy pregnant women. Severe pain: Abdominal pain is common during pregnancy. However, if the pain becomes intense and spreads down to the pelvis and lower back, it could be a warning sign of a miscarriage, especially if accompanied by bleeding and uterine contractions. Placenta: During the first trimester of pregnancy, the fetus is formed mainly from tissues. It is not until at least the first 6 weeks of pregnancy that the embryo begins to develop into the main parts of the fetus. Abortion of the placenta – or tissues – is a sign that accompanies a miscarriage. When the placenta is delivered, pregnant women will notice blood clots coming out of the vagina, along with pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen. Chills: Chills and fever or aching pain all over the body can be signs of an infection and you should see your doctor for an immediate diagnosis. Infection during pregnancy can cause serious harm to the unborn baby. Chills are also a symptom of septic abortions. Severe muscle spasms: Abdominal pain and cramps are common during pregnancy and can also be experienced by healthy pregnant women. However, if a pregnant woman has abdominal pain with menstrual-like contractions, and the pain does not show any signs of improvement, it could be a symptom of miscarriage. Relieves Pregnancy Symptoms: If common pregnancy symptoms such as breast tenderness, nausea, and morning sickness gradually disappear, it could be a sign of miscarriage. Unusual Vaginal Discharge: In addition to placental abruption and vaginal bleeding, a pregnant woman may also find her vaginal discharge has an unusual color and odor during a miscarriage or fetal infection. In the case of miscarriage, vaginal discharge is often bloody and this is accompanied by vaginal bleeding. Negative pregnancy test results: Some women may want to take another pregnancy test to make sure that the first pregnancy test gives an accurate result. Depending on the timing of the second pregnancy test, a negative pregnancy test result could be a sign of an early miscarriage or simply indicate that the first test was false. Reduced fetal movements: The loss of a fetus that occurs within the first 20 weeks of pregnancy is considered a miscarriage, and after this period is considered a stillbirth. At any point during pregnancy, if you feel your baby is moving less than usual, you should seek medical advice immediately. Weight loss: Weight loss is an unusual sign of pregnancy. Normal pregnant women with normal weight gain 12-16kg during pregnancy. If a pregnant woman suddenly loses weight and feels anorexia, she should seek medical advice to detect problems with the fetus early.