Improper use of contact lenses can be dangerous to your eyes.
Contact lenses are a favorite item for many people with nearsightedness. This product helps them to live and work normally without having to worry about big glasses. Many people even consider contact lenses as a fashion accessory to help their eyes stand out from the crowd.
However, contact lenses can cause serious damage to vision when not used correctly. Sharon Copeland – ophthalmologist – shares 3 common mistakes when wearing it. Fashionable contact lenses are very popular in recent times. Photo: Femina. Avoid contact with water Contact lenses are usually cleaned with a special solution. Forgetting to take off your glasses and being in direct contact with water will make your eyes susceptible to infection. Sharon emphasized: “All kinds of water are not good for contact lenses. If you accidentally step into the bathroom with contact lenses, close your eyes and do not come into contact with water. When stepping outside, need to dry your hands and remove them. them”. Water can contain Acanthamoeba bacteria when it gets on contact lens surfaces, which can easily infect the eyes. This leads to keratitis, red eyes, blurred vision, sensitivity to light and, more seriously, vision damage.
Avoid direct contact with water when wearing contact lenses. Photo: The Sun. Do not rub your eyes Pollen, dirt or makeup causes us to rub our eyes. But for contact lens wearers, this is more prone to tearing or the lens being pushed up above the eyelid. In addition, when rubbing the eyes, bacteria easily penetrate from the hands into the cornea. Sharon added: “If your eyes feel uncomfortable, use some eye drops to relieve pain. Cooling cloths placed on the eyes can also ease the pain. Remove contact lenses. when you feel irritation”.
Avoid rubbing your eyes while wearing contact lenses. Photo: The Sun. Wear contact lenses to sleep Wearing contact lenses to bed puts you at a higher risk of eye infections. Ophthalmologist Jennifer Fogt said: “Wearing contact lenses while sleeping reduces the amount of oxygen to the eyes. That can lead to eye infections such as keratitis or worsen dry symptoms. This happens when you don’t have enough water to lubricate your eyes, scratching the cells inside.” Contact lenses need to be cleaned every night. If you accidentally deflect the glass, do not attempt to remove it. Instead, gently rub your eyes and use eye drops to reduce the condition.
You need special solutions to reduce irritation. Photo: The Sun.
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