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A backpacker suddenly died on the way to conquer the top of Pu Si Lung mountain in Lai Chau


The People’s Committee of Muong Te district, Lai Chau province confirmed, in the area, a sudden death of a backpacker on the way to conquer the peak of Pu Si Lung mountain in the border commune of Pa Ve Su.
The People’s Committee of Muong Te district, Lai Chau province confirmed, in the area, a sudden death of a backpacker on the way to conquer the peak of Pu Si Lung mountain in the border commune of Pa Ve Su. The victim is LMK, born in 1987, has a permanent residence in Ho Chi Minh City.

Accordingly, at noon on April 30, a group of 10 backpackers, with permanent residence in many provinces and cities across the country, came to register for temporary residence with the Pa Ve Su Commune Police and reported to the Border Guard Station. Pa Ve Su about the schedule to conquer the top of Pu Si Lung mountain. By this morning (May 2), there were 2 guides down the mountain reported that one person suddenly died and is currently at the location of the cave area, about 10 hours walk from the center of the commune. Right this morning, Muong Te district directed forces, including border guards, police and militiamen to cross the mountain to support the backpackers. By the end of this afternoon, a group of 5 people in the backpacking group had descended the mountain to the commune center. Initial information from the backpackers who went down the mountain first said that the cause of Mr. K’s death was likely due to the fact that the process of traveling was raining and sunny for many hours, leading to exhaustion and a cold. The stream area next to the rock cave, where it was determined that Mr. LM K had died. The commanding representative of Pa Ve Su Border Guard Station, Muong Te district, said that currently, the rescue force of more than 10 people, including 5 border guards and officers, has approached the scene and is on the way to bring the body. Mr. K and the rest of the backpackers went down the mountain. However, because it was dark, it was difficult to go, the way to the top of the mountain was mainly through the forest, so it is expected that about 11 o’clock tonight the group will be able to bring the victim down the mountain. Mr. Kieu Hai Nam, Vice Chairman of the People’s Committee of Muong Te district, Lai Chau province said that the peak of Pu Si Lung mountain is more than 3,000m above sea level, located in the border commune of Pa Ve Su. The road to the top of the mountain is very arduous, harsh in weather and takes more than 10 hours to arrive, so recently it has been very popular with adventurers from all over the country to explore. Pu Si Lung peak has not been recognized as a good tour or examination route. After the above incident, Muong Te district will direct the local authorities to organize warning signs and warn of dangers for backpackers before starting the discovery journey.