In recent years, digital transformation has strongly impacted every aspect of social life. At Da Nhim – Ham Thuan – Da Mi Hydropower Joint Stock Company (DHD), the digital transformation is being carried out strongly and bringing many practical results.
Digital transformation combined with the application of the results of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 has created many great changes in industry, business, transportation, operation and power production… At Thuy Joint Stock Company Da Nhim Palace – Ham Thuan – Da Mi ( UD ), the digital transformation is being carried out strongly and bringing many practical results.
Control room of Ham Thuan factory with IP-based surveillance camera system Start digital transformation from equipment upgrade projects Concept “ Digital conversion ” has been widely used in the media in recent times. Since it is a new concept, each person can understand digital transformation in his or her own way. However, the basic thing of digital transformation is that the process of digitalization combined with the application of achievements of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 into practice has created many transformations. powerful changes in life. The application of digital technology (Digital technology) has been approved by the Company UD implemented since 2004 when implementing the Da Nhim Power System Restoration Project. Da Nhim hydropower plant was put into operation in 1964 with a control system based on analog signals with countless knobs, knobs, switches, switches… The system of bulky, power-consuming equipment is prone to breakdowns due to its long-term use, reducing reliability. After 40 years of operation, the equipment system needs to be replaced to meet the reliability and efficiency in power production.
Operation room of Da Nhim hydropower plant before digitalization Da Nhim power system restoration project (2004 – 2006) was invested by Vietnam Electricity Corporation (now Vietnam Electricity – EVN) and assigned Da Nhim – Ham Thuan Hydropower Company – Da Mi (now Da Nhim – Ham Thuan – Da Mi Hydropower Joint Stock Company: DDD) is the Project Management Board. The project includes 3 main packages to renovate and replace Da Nhim’s equipment system, including: Package No. 1- Generator and electrical equipment; Package No. 2 – Water turbine and water pipeline equipment; Package 3 – Hydrological data collection system. In particular, Package 1 with the application of digital technology to electrical equipment and control systems has created a new and modern appearance for Da Nhim hydropower plant with a stable operating equipment system. , computer controlled high availability, replacing obsolete analog equipment system. The control system with Alstom’s ALSPA P.320 HMI interface combined with GE Fanus’ PLC has created a turning point in operation control. All operation of the device is done by clicking on the computer screen instead of turning the knob or pressing the mechanical button as before.
OCC operation room of DHD Company – The first remote control model of power plants in the power industry Da Nhim Hydropower Plant Expansion Project (Operating Phase 1 with a capacity of 80MW in 2018) continues to apply the latest digital technologies to the control equipment system, creating a Da Nhim hydropower plant. more modern. Inheriting their knowledge and experience through the Da Nhim Restoration Project, the Ham Thuan – Da Mi Hydropower Project, from 2008 to 2010, the Company’s engineers UD has successfully researched, programmed and put into operation the DCS system of Song Pha hydropower plant with a combination of WinCC control interface and Siemens S7-300 PLC. With the new control system, Song Pha hydropower plant seems to be wearing a new shirt, the outdated analog control system has been completely replaced by digital equipment.
Operation room of Song Pha hydropower plant in 2006 The memorable milestone of the application of Science and Technology 4.0 in power production operation was in 2013 when the General Assembly Company and the domestic contractors successfully installed and put into operation the Operation Control Center (OCC – Operation Control Center). Center). This is considered the first OCC center at power plants in Vietnam to remotely control power plants. Since the OCC Center came into operation, combined with the IP-based CCTV system, DHD Company has optimized its operation and improved labor productivity. With OCC’s remote control and monitoring capabilities, the number of operators at hydroelectric power plants is reduced from 5 to 2 to 3. The OCC model of AGM Company was then replicated to other units in the industry and brought many practical benefits.
The operation room of Song Pha hydroelectric power plant is now with the control system designed and installed by DDH Company Combining digitization and industrial science 4.0 Responding to the digital transformation of Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) and Power Generation Corporation 1 (EVNGENCO1), the General Assembly Company applied the results of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 on the digital platform to create a remarkable transformation in production management and administration. On the digital platform that has been deployed at power plants, DDT Company has gradually upgraded telecommunications infrastructure to create a smooth connection between the OCC Center, power plants and dispatching centers for business purposes. operate production and offer electricity prices in the market with high efficiency. The application of IP-based surveillance camera system helps the operator to monitor lake water level, discharge status of water supply to downstream… creating many advantages in coordination between the Company and local authorities in the company. disaster prevention and search and rescue. For administration, the General Meeting of Shareholders thoroughly handles incoming/outgoing documents, internal documents, on the e-Office system while accelerating the speed of case handling and convenience in work. storage and retrieval while saving printing paper and protecting the environment. In the bidding work, the Company conducts online bidding to ensure that information is provided to contractors quickly and accurately, to ensure transparency in bidding and to save printing costs. Currently, cloud computing technology (i-Cloud) is widely applied and becomes more and more familiar to the employees of the Company. The company has registered a Google Drive account with unlimited storage, sharing capacity to each unit for use. Employees store files and documents on shared Google Drive so that they can easily perform their work on smartphones and tablets even if they are far from the working location.
Using i-Cloud for work has become popular at the University of Da Nang Timekeeping, collection of opinions, statistics, surveys, etc. when there is a need for the coordination of many people, is easily done by Google tools such as Google doc, Google sheet, Google form. The digital transformation is making the work processing steps at the General Meeting of Shareholders more and more convenient, in line with the general trend of the whole society. E-learning is also being applied and achieving positive results. Digital transformation plan at the Company in the next period Although the digital transformation is bringing initial results, creating many advantages in operation and production and business, in order to achieve greater results, AGM needs to further promote infrastructure investment Information technology combined with human training. Mr. Le Van Quang – General Director of DHD Company commented: “Digital transformation has brought practical results that every employee in the Company can clearly see. Previously, employees in the Company had to save each monthly pay slip to track their income, now they can look up information about income, vacation days, earnings, deductions… through through payroll software developed by the Company itself. This is an example of digital transformation at AGM.” Following the direction of EVN and EVNGENCO1, the General Meeting of Shareholders established a Steering Committee for Digital Transformation and Technology Application of the 4th Industrial Revolution in production and business activities at the Company by the Chairman of the Board of Directors. serve as Head of the Board. According to the Digital Transformation Plan for the 2021-2025 period, the General Meeting of Shareholders focuses on two major areas of work, including: Applying digital transformation in governance, administrative reform, improving labor productivity and Modernizing systems and infrastructure. In governance, the Company continues to carry out typical tasks such as: Raising awareness about digital transformation, capacity to use information technology for management and employees; Provide digital signatures for all employees in the Company; Establish a library, store documents on Google Drive; Do 100% internal writing via E-Office; Renovate the company’s web, build an online web-based working environment, to share resources, manage work, create the ability to work anytime, anywhere, any means; Building a forum for questions (of employees) and answers (of experts in the company), serving training; Digital invoice management; Digitizing internal and external reports; Record device parameters online on the basis of image recognition; Operation log no… Continuing, modernizing the equipment system and infrastructure, DDT Company will perform the following items: Setting up an unmanned Da Nhim Water Purification Station; Carrying out scientific research on unmanned power plants for Da Mi Solar Power Plant, Song Pha Hydropower Plant; Upgrade the IT system operation monitoring center, information security policy for information security, according to ISO 27001 standard; Complete security for information systems according to the specified safety level.
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