For the pirates, the ship was not only a means of transport but also a means of fighting. An ideal ship should not be too bulky, fast and easy to access to invade enemy ships.
Illustration. It was the most famous pirate ship of the Caribbean and the Atlantic in the late 1600s. With large mooring beams, it was very flexible with different wind directions. The length of the vessel ranges from 10-20m and the maximum speed can reach 10 knots. The ship can accommodate 20-70 people and 15 cannons. The hull is also very easy to move when struck by lightning or when attacked by rival ships. Moreover, the vessel’s width of only 3m makes it possible to quickly shelter safely in narrow slots. Schooner
This two-masted ship is also very popular with pirates of the Caribbean and the Atlantic. The train is fast, has good maneuverability and is equipped with up to 12 cannons. The capacity of the ship is up to 75-100 people and the width is only about 2m, making shelter quite convenient, although it cannot carry much wealth or treasure. Brigantine
Mediterranean pirates often use this type of two-masted ship because it can fight in low wind conditions. The sails of the ship can maneuver in many positions suitable for maneuvering and combat. The Brigantine is longer and has a larger mass than other ships, so it is preferred for use in prolonged battles. The vessel is about 30-35m in length, 8-10m in width and 3-6m in height. Galley
It was the favorite vehicle of the Barbary pirates of the Mediterranean in the 1500s. The power of the ship came from 30 oars operated by sailors. The sails serve only as extra thrust for the ship. There are only a number of cannons on board for combat with more than 100 pirates. Junk
Junk has been used by Eastern pirates for centuries. With sturdy masts, adjustable rudders, the ship is 15-30m long and can hold a lot of cannonballs. This is said to be a preeminent ship “invincible” created by the Chinese who can overcome extreme weather conditions at sea while ensuring safety for people on board. Captain Blackbeard and huge treasure
The treasure was unearthed off the coast of Beaufort Captain Edward Teach, also known as Blackbeard, captured a French slave ship called Concorde in 1717 and formed his own pirate squad. His pirate team became the most powerful team in American pirate history. In May 1718, Blackbeard attacked the port of Charleston and captured five cargo ships. After that, he unexpectedly killed nearly half of his crew to capture the wealth at Topsail. Due to the ship’s serious damage, Blackbeard eventually abandoned the Concorde and looked for another ship. By 1997, archaeologists found off the coast of Beaufort, Northern California the wreck of the ship and the entire giant treasure of Blackbeard on the deep sea floor. This treasure was then given to the state of North Carolina and was named the largest treasure of the 20th century. Captain Kidd and the ship Adventure Galley
Adventure Galley ship model Captain William Kid, who was a Scottish sailor, was given command of the Adventure Galley by New York Admiral Robert Livingston to fight against British pirates along the East India Sea and collect property. and pirate treasure for the US government. The 287-ton Adventure Galley, containing 34 cannons and 23 oars, is a state-of-the-art ship that can fight in quiet conditions. The ship set sail with pride in the hope of being unbeaten, but Kidd realized that facing the pirates was harder than he thought, he decided to return all the investments of the US government and turn around … attack allied ships. In 1698, Kidd abandoned the Galley due to heavy damage at Madagasca. He still begged for forgiveness from Livingston but when he returned to London, Kidd was put on trial and charged with piracy. He was executed in 1701. Bartholomew Roberts and the Royal Fortune fleet
The last famous captain mentioned is Captain Black Bart and the Royal Fortune fleet. The first ship captured by Bart was a French brigantine ship in 1720. He armed it with 26 cannons and brought it to the Caribbean. Shortly thereafter, he continued to capture a British warship for the Martinique government and renamed it the second Royal Fortune, choosing it as the pioneer ship for his fleet. Arriving in West Africa, Bart won the Onslow and continued to add to the 3rd member Royal Fortune. A total of more than 400 ships off West Africa, Canada and the Caribbean were captured by Bart between 1719 and five. 1722. It was not until February 10, 1722, that Bart’s last ship was sunk by the British warship HMS Swallow. Black Bart is known as the most pompous and successful pirate in the golden era of pirate “profession”.
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