Summer is the time when there are many types of footwear people can choose from. However, people easily make mistakes when choosing summer footwear and can cause many health related problems.
Content: Mistakes when choosing summer shoes can affect health
1. The sole is narrow and small
2. Shoe soles too short
3. Doesn’t fit to the top of the foot
4. The sole is longer than the foot
5. Wearing tight shoes that don’t fit your feet
6. Shoes are too big
7. Material used to make shoes is not natural
8. Self-made leather shoes
9. Wear shoes without socks
10. Flat shoes In fact, the choice of footwear for walking not only needs to pay attention to the design and materials, but also to pay attention to the criteria related to health, convenience and hygiene. Mistakes when choosing summer shoes can affect health 1. The sole is narrow and small In the summer, people easily choose small shoe styles. However, this is a mistake when choosing summer footwear. The nature of shoes that are too tight is also the cause of the feet feeling oversized. At the same time, small shoes put pressure on the feet. Not only that, the small shoes chosen to wear in the summer can even cause joint deformities and lead to bursitis of the big toe. In particular, some cases of tight shoes also become the cause of ingrown nails and allergies or calluses on the feet. 2. Shoe soles too short The mistake when choosing summer footwear is easy to make is that sandals often have short soles, which makes it easy to put strength into the tips of your toes to effectively help maintain balance. This is the reason why the leg muscles always have to stretch with the sole of the foot contact not being adjusted. Therefore, shoes that are too short can cause you to injure your heel. Small shoes chosen to wear in the summer can even cause joint deformities – Internet Photo 3. Doesn’t fit to the top of the foot Inappropriate shoe soles are the cause of the curvature of the foot and the sole of the shoe. This will make the foot uncomfortable when wearing shoes and especially the sole and heel suffer. In addition, using these shoes can cause many problems such as blood circulation leading to sweaty feet and foot pain. 4. The sole is longer than the foot Most flip-flops as well as flip-flops have long soles. For these types of sandals, the distance from the toe to the top of the sandals is not too wide to create a comfortable feeling. However, the appropriate distance should not exceed 1cm because when this distance is too large, it can make walking awkward and unsafe, and can even lead to diseases of joints, tissues, and even death. risk of slipping when taking the stairs. 5. Wearing tight shoes that don’t fit your feet Especially for old shoes, over time will cause the shoes to loosen and slip off your feet. This is not good for the health of the user because in order to keep the shoes from slipping, the leg muscles must work too hard and at the same time cause obstacles when walking, accompanied by an unsightly gait. In addition, if you continue to wear shoes that do not fit your feet, it will cause joint deformities, calluses, or knee and back pain. 6. Shoes are too big Choosing a wide shoe is not an option that should be used in the summer. Wearing shoes that are too wide when you lift your foot will cause muscle tension to prevent the shoe from falling. Using shoes that are too wide increases your risk of tripping and losing your balance. Not only that, shoes that are too large are just as harmful as shoes that are too tight and can form calluses.
Shoes that are too wide or too tight are harmful to the feet – Internet Photo 7. Material used to make shoes is not natural Shoes made of natural materials such as genuine leather and fabric will help you feel comfortable. However, using shoes with imitation leather material in hot weather is dangerous because the high temperature can also cause chemical changes and even cause allergies to the feet. These shoes also increase your risk of foot fungus, foot problems, and injuries. 8. Self-made leather shoes Self-made leather shoes should be limited to use in the summer because this type of shoes does not have high air circulation, poor moisture absorption. Not to mention, self-made shoes are also easily damaged by temperature changes and chemical exposure. 9. Wear shoes without socks Because of the hot summer weather, most people wear flats with bare feet without socks. This is what causes the feet to sweat and cause inflammation of the skin. So, even in the summer, you still need to wear shoes with socks to avoid affecting your feet. In addition, it is advisable to choose short and thin socks when summer comes, which also helps to avoid foot odor when wearing shoes. Read more: Love to wear shoes but get sweaty feet in summer, don’t ignore the following 10 tips mẹo 10. Flat shoes One of the mistakes people make when choosing summer footwear is choosing flats. In fact, flat shoes are not designed to soften the heel during movement. This means that the bones always receive small vibrations every time you walk. Not to mention, wearing flat shoes also puts your feet under a lot of pressure and increases the risk of sprains and injuries when your body weight is not evenly distributed on your feet. To reduce injuries caused by flat shoes, choose shoes that fit your feet, hug your feet, and have a 2 to 4 cm high sole.
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