You should apply a hot towel for 80 seconds to better absorb the nutrients from cosmetics.
According to the Sina , hot towels not only help the body warm up but also beautify the skin and improve the condition of wrinkles.
The biggest advantage of hot towels is that the steam has a high temperature. That large amount of heat is transferred deep inside, helping to warm the skin and promote effective blood circulation. This helps the skin to better absorb the ingredients from the beauty product. In addition, you should soak the towel in hot water with coconut, mint, lavender or rosemary essential oils to replenish nutrients for the skin when the pores are opened due to the hot steam. Your skin will become softer when you put a warm towel on your skin every week. Photo: Allure. To get rid of facial wrinkles, do a hot towel face wash every day to make the skin transparent and plump. Makeup artist Yamamoto Hiroshi appreciates the effect of this method: “Since I started washing my face with a hot towel, my skin condition has improved”. This is easy to do at home with just a towel. First, you fold the towel in half and roll it up. Next, pour hot water 45-50 degrees Celsius on the towel. After about a minute, gently wring the towel with your hands and make sure it is still sufficiently damp.
Sina says the 30cm square towel is easy to use for this method. Photo: Logona. Clean your face with a hot towel by holding the towel open with both hands and applying it to your face for 40 seconds. You repeat the same actions above for another towel, continue to warm your face for 40 seconds. When the skin is sufficiently moist, fold the towel in half and gently wipe the dirt from the corners of your eyes, mouth and nose. Then, fold the towel into a triangle, place the tips of your index fingers on the ears and massage the ears about 10 times. You continue to put the towel in your hand, massaging the lower part of the ear and collarbone stronger. This helps to promote blood circulation and eliminate edema.
You should choose a soft, non-drying towel material to avoid scratching the skin. Photo: Delfi. This helps you gently remove makeup residue or environmental dirt left after removing makeup. At the same time, the hand massage and hot towel also help the skin retain moisture, limiting the appearance of wrinkles. If you want to include the hot towel method of washing your face in your skin care routine, the order of skin care is as follows: Use oil or makeup remover. – Warm your face with a hot towel and wipe your face twice. – Perform massage in the positions as above and finish by applying moisturizer. 5 easy ways to prevent skin aging The sooner you fight aging, the longer you will prolong the appearance of the signs of aging.
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