Pho cuon is a variation of Vietnamese noodle soup that has created a typical delicious dish, very easy to make, does not take much time, making many people fall in love.
Preparation materials:
Rice noodle rolls: about 1kg Fresh vermicelli: 400 g Beef: 400 g Onion: 1 piece Cooking oil Fish sauce, pepper, chili, vinegar, ginger, sugar, lemon, garlic. Chinese coriander, bean sprouts, marjoram, lettuce, basil Illustration. Doing: Step 1: The raw vegetables pick up the deep leaves and then wash them, soak them in a basin of water mixed with a little salt. Then remove them, drain. Peel ginger and garlic, wash and chop finely.
Peel the onion, wash it, and then chop it. Beef is washed and thinly sliced, when buying meat, you should choose the sliced tenderloin, gradually the meat will absorb the spices and when eating, the meat will be softer. Then marinate the meat with ginger, spices and a little cooking oil for about 15-20 minutes for the meat to infuse and bring up the traditional flavor.
Step 2: Put the pan on the stove, pour in cooking oil, heat and fry the garlic, then pour in the beef and stir-fry with the onions until cooked, then remove to a plate. To stir-fry beef well while stir-frying, you should pay attention to stir the meat quickly and on high heat so that the meat does not come out of water.
Step 3: Spread 1 piece of pho on a plate or tray, put lettuce, a little vermicelli on top, beef evenly spread on the surface, a few stalks of raw vegetables and then gently roll tightly so that the meat does not fall off and The noodle piece was not torn. When rolling pho, you should leave the glossy side out so that the noodle roll looks more beautiful.
Roll until the end of meat and cake, when arranged on a plate, you can leave the noodle roll whole or cut it into bite-sized pieces, when eaten with dipping sauce.
Step 4: The sauce is also an important part of the dish. You mix the sauce with the following ratio: 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1 teaspoon of delicious fish sauce, 1 teaspoon of vinegar or lemon juice, about 5 tablespoons of filtered water.
In the process of making dipping sauce, you need to taste it regularly to balance the spices to taste. Stir the mixture in the dipping sauce until dissolved, add a little minced garlic and a few slices of chili to the sauce. The dipping sauce will have a sour, spicy, salty, sweet taste of spices and a little spicy of chili. Have a good time!
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