When it’s apple season, make dried apples for snacks, delicious and nutritious, without worrying about gaining weight.
Recently, in the Love Kitchen group, Ms. Van Le shared her extremely simple way of making dried apples, but when looking at the finished product, everyone has to admire because of its attractiveness.
The shared post attracted 9400 likes, 505 comments, and 233 shares after only 15 hours of posting. Ms. Van Le is living in Germany, this season in Europe is apple season, so Ms. Van has “rolled up her sleeves” to immediately make a batch of dried apples for her family. Let’s see how to make Van share! First, buy fresh apples, wash them, put them in a cutter or peel them yourself with a knife.
After that, Van’s house had a machine to peel apples and cut them into slices. But you can completely peel it by hand.
Using dried fruit is one of the convenient ways for you to supplement your body’s need for fruit. Dried apples provide essential nutrients for your health and build a healthy daily diet for you. One of the main benefits of dried apples is fiber. About 90g of dried fruit contains 3.7g of fiber. Fiber helps slow down digestion and prevent blood sugar spikes, which can make you tired and hungry after a meal. Because fiber helps keep you feeling good after a meal, you can use dried apples as an after-meal snack. Dried apples also provide a healthy dose of vitamins. Apples contain small amounts of vitamins C and A, two nutrients that help keep your skin and bones strong and healthy. Extremely convenient, remove the apple pulp.
After peeling, put in a bowl of lemon juice and soak for about 10 minutes.
Apples contain several types of B vitamins, which help support your metabolism and nourish your skin. 90g of dried apple contains approximately 6% of your daily vitamin B-6 and 3% vitamin B5 needs (according to research by Linus Pauling Institute). Both vitamins help you make neurotransmitters for brain function. Dried apples are also good for your health thanks to the amount of minerals contained in them. Each 90g taken per day contains 4% of the daily required potassium (alkaline) and a mineral necessary for cells and brain function (according to research by the Linus Pauling Institute). Dried apples also contain a small amount of iron – about 8% of the daily requirement of the body for men and 3% for women. You need this amount of iron to regenerate blood cells, which in turn can absorb oxygen from the bloodstream in the body. Eating dried apples also provides a good amount of other minerals including copper, manganese and selenium (essential for enzymes to help the body function properly).
Apples that have been cut into slices are put in the dryer at 70 degrees for about 8 to 9 hours. Drying for 4 hours begins to turn apples on the other side.
You can find this fruit dryer at home appliance stores or you can search on e-commerce sites Shopee, Tiki, Lazada… The finished product of 10kg of fresh dried apples is about 1kg of dried apples.
Ms. Van Le has lived in Germany for 5 years and is a kitchen addict. The house is 50km from the Asian market, so every time I go to the market, I will buy a full house to stock up on spices, dry noodles, dry pho… The house is always like a grocery store. If you want to eat something, cook it. Every time she returns to Vietnam, she also takes advantage of bringing cooking food to her friend’s country.
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