Home Cuisine How to make homemade coconut oil nourishing at home easier than eating...

How to make homemade coconut oil nourishing at home easier than eating candy, you know?


Every day using coconut oil for skin care, have you ever thought to make them safe by yourself? With 2 ways to make coconut oil nourishing below, you can create your own skin nourishing magic at home.
For a long time, coconut oil has been considered a miracle in the beauty work of women, which is skin whitening, acne treatment, melasma, freckles, dark scars, healthy hair …

Use them every day, but did you know that making them is pretty simple. Try 2 ways to make coconut oil at home that we guide below.

Ingredients need to prepare to make coconut oil at home

  • Old coconut: 1 fruit (choose the older one the better)

  • 500 ml of cold or boiling water

  • 1 sieve or bucket towel to filter coconut milk

  • 1 blender

1. How to make coconut oil nourishing by cold pressing method

  • Coconut, after buying, you preliminarily process and scrape off the coconut pulp.

  • Then you cut into small pieces and put in the microwave for low temperature for 4-6-8 hours, depending on time you feel the coconut is dry or not or depending on whether you slice young or old coconuts. . This drying has the effect of increasing the concentration of coconut oil.

  • Put the dried coconuts in the juicer to squeeze the coconut oil (try to squeeze it well, press it again and again to extract all of the coconut oil.

  • Put the juice just collected in a glass jar at room temperature for 1 day and 1 night until the coconut milk is deposited on the bottom of the jar and the virgin coconut oil will be lighter and float to the top.

  • Scoop this coconut oil out into a clean glass jar and use.

2. How to make coconut oil nourish by hot method

  • After buying coconut, peel off the shells and then scrape into small scares as shown.

  • Then you put in the blender with a little hot water, blend about 3-4 minutes until small.

  • Take 1 pot of clean water to boil, turn off the heat, then to reduce the heat, remove the water from the outside bowl and place the above pureed coconut with hot water in the pot, you let the water be equal to the coconut. Simmer on low heat for 15 minutes, then turn off heat.

  • Then you pour the pot of coconut just boiled (cooled) into the blender, blend it well until the mixture becomes smooth and smooth.

  • Pour the mixture into a towel to filter and then squeeze the juice, squeeze it out to avoid wastage.

  • Next, you put the coconut water squeezed from above on the stove to simmer. During the cooking process of coconut milk, you will see the coconut oil gradually separating from the coconut oil and standing at the bottom of the pot, paying attention to stirring your hands to avoid burning.

  • Until the coconut rice is completely dark brown, you can gradually filter the pure coconut oil out of the pot, put it in a jar to cool, then cover and use gradually.

Wish you success with 2 ways to make coconut oil skin care that we just instructed above.