Home Tech iOS 14.6 has a battery drain error

iOS 14.6 has a battery drain error


Many iPhone users report the device’s battery drain quickly after updating to iOS 14.6.
On the Apple support forum, members TDarby719 Reflects iPhone 11 Pro with Smart Battery Case that drains the battery excessively after updating to the new iOS.

“After updating yesterday, my device only has 2% battery left, the case is 15%. Normally after 15 hours of not plugging in the charger, the battery in the phone is still 100%, the charging case can be low. 20%”, this user said the maximum battery capacity currently in the setting is still 100% after more than a year of use, will have to measure again. Many iPhone users report battery drain after updating to iOS 14.6. Illustration: 9to5mac. “I had the same problem on my iPhone 11. After updating to iOS 14.6, I woke up every morning and always found my iPhone drained. Yesterday, I turned off Wi-Fi, Bluetooth on my device, closed all apps and nothing The phone is fully charged at 6 pm, and the battery is exhausted at 10 am this morning even when not in use”, member userid42 reflect. On the forum MacRumors , member BR4DOKYBrazil said that not only does the battery drain faster, this person’s iPhone 12 Pro also heats up when browsing the web with Safari. Another member also reported the same situation on iPhone 12 mini after updating to iOS 14.6. “I made the mistake of not checking the Internet feedback about battery life before updating to the new iOS,” this member shared. iOS 14.6 was released about a month after iOS 14.5. On iOS 14.5, Apple has added a battery capacity re-measurement feature to the iPhone 11 series, helping the device measure the maximum battery capacity more accurately, overcoming unwanted battery drain. In some cases, re-measured results even allow a free battery replacement. Short-term battery drain after updating iOS is normal because the device needs to update Spotlight searches and clean up the system. However, iPhone users with iOS 14.6 are still constantly reporting battery drain even though this version has been released for more than a week. Currently, Apple has not yet responded to the battery drain on iOS 14.6. The company is testing iOS 14.7 with some improvements, but may release iOS 14.6.1 if it finds the cause of the battery drain and needs to be fixed soon. Users can restore factory settings to check if the device is still draining the battery. Why does Apple name Apple Watch instead of iWatch? Apple has many products such as iMac, iPod, iPhone, iPad. However, when it came to smartwatches, they broke the rules and named this product line Apple Watch.