Home Business Kelan Software rose 1.5 times a month to receive a letter of...

Kelan Software rose 1.5 times a month to receive a letter of concern from the Shenzhen Stock Exchange requesting a description of the digital currency business. It claims to be the “distributor” in the central bank’s digital currency industry chain.


On the afternoon of June 21, Kelan Software (300663.SZ) announced that it had received a letter of concern from the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. The Shenzhen Stock Exchange pointed out that from May 24 to June 21, 2021, the stock price of Kelan Software continued to rise, with a range increase of 148.49%, which deviated greatly from the ChiNext Index during the same period.

The Shenzhen Stock Exchange requires Kelan Software to verify the reasons for the large increase in its stock price in the short term. In addition, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange requires Kelan Software to explain the digital currency business and the specific content and methods of cooperation with Huawei, as well as the revenue directly generated by related products or projects in 2020. And the amount and proportion of net profit.

On the day the attention letter was released, the concept of Huawei Hongmeng continued to rise sharply, Kelan Software soared 20%, and its share price hit a record high. The stock has reached its daily limit 5 times in the past year. As of press time, Kelan Software has risen to 49.4 yuan, nearly 8.23 ​​yuan higher than the opening price of the day, with a turnover of 901,900 lots, a turnover of 4.257 billion yuan, a turnover rate of 37.56%, a price-earnings ratio of 200.64, and a total market value of 15.363 billion yuan.

According to the official website of Kelan Software, it was officially established in December 1999 and registered in the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone. It is a company formed by Wall Street financial practitioners and Silicon Valley technicians returning to China, specializing in financial software product application development and consulting services. enterprise. The company has more than 5,000 employees and has branches, R&D centers or joint ventures in Beijing, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Chengdu, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and other places.

Since the second half of 1999, Kelan has implemented the first online banking system. According to the official website, its customers cover banks such as Bank of China, Agricultural Bank, Construction Bank, Postal Savings Bank, Export-Import Bank and so on. Kelan has cases in various applications such as online banking (corporate, personal), mobile (mobile phone, PAD) banking, electronic payment, third-party payment, foreign exchange precious metal trading platform, bank-enterprise communication, financial portal content management, etc.; in banks The market share of electronic channel construction exceeds 60%.

According to the official website, on June 3, Huawei held the Smart Finance Summit, and Kelan Software was invited to attend as a core partner of Huawei’s ISV. At the meeting, Kelan Software and Huawei released compatible tools and solutions for Hongmeng Mobile Finance. At present, Kelan Software has become the only supplier in the industry capable of providing full-stack credit creation solutions for Internet finance.

In terms of digital currency, on June 11, Kelan Software issued an announcement of abnormal stock trading fluctuations, stating that in recent years, Kelan Software has implemented actual digital currency projects. However, the digital currency-related business is the company’s innovative business, and the revenue from the digital currency-related business of Kelan Software accounts for a relatively small proportion of the company’s operating income.

In the 2020 annual report of Kelan Software, Kelan Software stated that its “distribution side” in the central bank’s digital currency industry chain can provide banks with a full range of Internet financial products; on the “user side” it has a “wallet” that supports digital currency and Rich cases of its application scenario construction; On the “server” based on digital authentication, Kelan Software holds a license through its holding subsidiary Continental Cloud Shield and provides mobile digital authentication services.

Kelan Software is currently actively cooperating with operating banks, clearing transfer service institutions and other entities, and is gradually implementing the development and construction of related operating systems for bank customers including digital renminbi, digital bank cards, etc., and assisting bank customers to achieve digital financial service upgrades. During the reporting period, Kelan Software and Suzhou Xiangcheng District Finance Bureau actively explored more feasible application pilot programs. The digital renminbi application scenario that Kelan Software cooperated with a major state-owned bank was launched in the second half of 2020 and will be delivered in the second quarter of this year as planned.

As for the proportion of digital currency-related business revenue in the specific revenue of Kelan Software, it is not separately listed in the annual report.

According to the first quarter report of Kelan Software, the total revenue of Kelan Software in Q1 was 210 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 35.68%; net profit was 5.691 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 155%; total assets were 2.294 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 55.72%; total liabilities It was 1.152 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 59.41%; investment cash flow was -178 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 388.33%; financing cash flow was 10.3555 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 66.46%