Celery juice helps detox body effectively, helps slim skin and is trusted by many Vbiz stars.
Summer comes when women race to find all kinds of ways to detox skin and body. Remember the summer of 2 years ago, the sisters, even the brothers, went together to drink celery juice to eliminate excess fat, helping to slim and fit their physique. Celery juice also helps to beautify the skin, so it is more and more popular for women. And now just in the early summer, HH Do Thi Ha has embarked on the work of detox skin, keeping shape, eliminating belly fat with celery juice. To Miss, she also has a beautiful skin, neatly shaped with celery juice, women also take advantage of detox and help detox quickly.
* Recipe of celery juice by HH Do Thi Ha Without squeezing celery alone because of fear of difficult to drink, our Queen mixes celery with apples and pineapples to create a delicious mixture that is easier to drink. In the summer, when the sun is hot, add a little ice, take a drink, enjoy it, have beautiful skin, neat shape; One job but triples, great for a single cup of juice.
* What miracle is celery juice that you have been so crazy about for the past few years? Celery contains a large amount of natural medicinal cluster salt, which increases hydrochloric acid in the stomach, and when taken on an empty stomach, it helps in digestion and then breaks down old protein (protein) available in the body. . As a result, undigested protein will be quickly eliminated, so that the body fat index will be significantly reduced.
Celery is extremely nutritious, while being low in calories, this is the principle to lose weight that most people know. Use celery juice for 1-2 weeks you will see a significant change in physique, especially excess belly fat.
Many Vbiz stars have also lost weight with celery juice and quickly got in shape after about 1-2 weeks. Therefore, celery juice is a detox drink that not only Vietnamese women, but also globally believes in detoxification and fat loss because celery has the properties to help eliminate excess fat and toxins out of the muscle. can be very efficient and fast.
* Drink celery needs properly – In celery contains about 30 milligrams of sodium per 1 stalk weighing an average of 40 grams, celery has a high salt content compared to other vegetables, so it is not good for people with high blood pressure. – In celery also has apigenin that can affect fertility, especially for men. Celery contains psoralen, which can increase the skin’s sensitivity to ultraviolet rays, increase the risk of skin inflammation or it can make the skin more susceptible to sunburn and sun damage. So if you drink celery you need full sun protection and more strict. – In addition, celery contains goitrogen which can interfere with iodine activity, increasing the risk of iodine deficiency and causing goiter. So if you want to detox the body, beautiful and slim skin like the way HH Do Thi Ha or many Vbiz stars and international stars have used, you should only drink celery juice for 1-2 weeks and rest, like that. It will be more useful and safe for health than drinking continuously from day to month. Source: General
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