Lemon juice is very good for health, but many people still make a basic mistake when preparing this drink to harm the body.
Lemon juice is a familiar beverage for everyone. Drinking lemon juice has many uses such as increasing the body’s immunity, supporting digestion, helping with weight loss, and fighting depression. Not to mention in lemon juice contains a lot of Vitamin C that helps promote collagen production for the skin and prevents signs of aging, improves skin texture, enhances elasticity and better firmness, helps skin look brighter as well as acne treatment support ….
However, there are mistakes you need to know when drinking lemon juice so that it doesn’t cause much unwanted harm. Drink lemon juice to lose weight
Many people are in the habit of drinking a glass of lemon juice in the morning to help with weight loss. However, this is really a mistake because it will harm the stomach if you drink cold lemonade or drink it when hungry. In case you still want to drink lemon juice to lose weight, you need to mix lemons with warm water, add a few drops of honey to aid digestion, fight cravings and create alkaline to balance the body’s pH. as helps to strengthen resistance. Mix lemon juice with water that is too cold or too hot
Make sure to mix the lemon with just enough warm water, as it won’t hurt your stomach. If mixed with cold water lemon juice, when drinking it can cause shock to the body. If mixed with hot water can make the beneficial enzymes in the lemon break down, not effective when drinking. Drink lemon juice directly You absolutely do not drink lemon juice directly because doing so may directly affect the stomach. This is because the acidity in lemons is quite strong. To ensure health, when drinking, you should dilute lemon juice with water, the ratio of 1 lemon to 1 liter of water. Drink plenty of lemon juice
Although it’s good for your health, you shouldn’t drink too much lemonade because doing so can trigger heartburn, which is not good for your health.
Drink lemon juice to relieve alcohol One of the big mistakes that many people often make is using lemon juice to relieve alcohol without knowing that it will cause ulcers, even erode the stomach lining leading to perforation. Therefore, instead of drinking lemon juice to drink alcohol, you should choose beverages with sugar, honey, salt, broth, milk … or drink lots of water to help dilute the amount of alcohol in your body. Squeeze the lemon juice to remove the peel Most people throw away lemon peels when making lemonade without knowing it’s a mistake because lemon peel is one of the most nutritious parts of this fruit. Instead of removing the peel of the lemon, slice the lemon when preparing it. Tieu Bao (Synthetic) Photo: Collectibles
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