Lemon water has many health benefits, but when drinking lemon water, many people do it the wrong way, so the effect will be reduced, even causing more harm to your health.
Drink lemon water to lose weight: Many people often have a habit of drinking a glass of lemon water in the morning to lose weight. But the method will harm the stomach if you drink cold lemon water, or drink it on an empty stomach. It is best to dilute it with warm water and add a little honey to it. Drink lemon water to detox: One of the mistakes when drinking extremely dangerous lemon water is using lemon juice to detox. Lemon juice can cause ulcers, even erode the stomach lining leading to gastric perforation if used too often. If you want the best alcohol solution, drink a lot of filtered water to help dilute the amount of alcohol in the body.
Mix lemon juice with water that is too cold or too hot: Cold water mixed with lemon when drinking can cause shock to the body. On the contrary, if mixed with too hot water, it can make the beneficial enzymes in the lemon break down, making it ineffective when drinking. You should only mix lemon with warm water just enough to have the effect of reducing excess fat, without affecting the stomach.
Drinking too much lemon water: Lemon water is good for health, but drinking too much lemon water can trigger heartburn, which is not good for health.
Squeeze lemons to remove the peel: A common mistake when drinking lemonade that most people make is throwing away the rind. In fact, the lemon peel is one of the most nutritious parts of this whole fruit. Instead of removing the zest, slice a lemon or use a blender to puree the whole fruit while making it.
Drink lemon juice directly: You absolutely should not drink lemon juice directly because doing so can directly affect the stomach. The reason is because the acidity in lemons is quite strong. To ensure health, when drinking you should dilute lemon juice with filtered water, the ratio of 1 lemon to 1 liter of water and it is best to drink it after a meal about 30 minutes.
Drink on an empty stomach: Drinking lemon water on an empty stomach will easily increase acid in the stomach, this is why when you drink it, you will have an uncomfortable feeling of nagging. The condition occurs often, over time, it will cause stomach acid to increase too much leading to stomach ulcers or duodenal ulcers.
So how to drink lemon water properly? Diluting lemon juice is the most common and popular way to drink, mix 500ml of filtered water with half a lemon. Use warm water to make it easier for the body to absorb nutrients. Drink diluted lemon juice daily to help your skin rosy, brighter.
Drink salted lemon water: Similar to diluted lemon juice, salted lemon water also helps you have rosy, smoother skin. How to mix, you use half a lemon mixed with about 250ml of warm water, add a little salt according to taste is complete. This way also helps you strengthen the digestive system, especially effectively reducing belly fat.
Drinking honey lemon water helps to purify the body, good for the digestive system, beautifies the skin, loses weight… How to make honey lemon: Use half a lemon, 2 tablespoons of honey, stir well with warm water for honey honey and lemon juice mixed together. Should be taken in the morning after waking up for the best effect. Photo: IT. Invite readers to watch the video “Drink green tea properly for a healthier body”. Source: VTV24.
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