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Quality of human resources – the key to the development of science and technology


Along with investing in facilities for science and technology (S&T) organizations and units, in recent years, our province has paid special attention to training and improving professional qualifications. for the staff of science and technology to serve the management and scientific research, making a significant contribution to the socio-economic development of the province.

Strengthening the material and technical foundations of S&T enterprises, contributing to promoting the creative potential of the S&T team. According to statistics from the Department of Science and Technology, the province currently has over 3,116 staff members engaged in scientific research and technology development (equivalent to 1,229 full-time researchers, reaching 3.5 people per ten thousand people), an increase 8% compared to 2015; the staff of science and technology in science and technology organizations is 1,706 people (including 201 doctors, 706 masters, 23 associate professors). Human resources with doctoral degrees are mainly concentrated in higher education institutions (universities) (2 higher education institutions have 191 doctorates, 8 research and development organizations have 2 doctorates – at the Institute of Agriculture Thanh Hoa; 29 organizations of science and technology, science and technology services with 8 doctorates). The increase in quantity and quality of human resources in science and technology in recent years have contributed significantly to socio-economic development in all fields of science, engineering and technology. natural sciences, social sciences and humanities… For example, in the field of engineering, technology has researched and applied many technical advances in the production of building materials and handicrafts. , preserving agricultural products after harvest, contributing to diversifying products, increasing productivity, and lowering product costs. The field of medicine and pharmacy has also researched and applied technology in the diagnosis, detection, prevention and treatment of diseases, assessing the situation of a number of diseases in the community, which tend to increase along with changes in the environment, climate and environment. Queen. Typically, open-heart surgery techniques at the Provincial General Hospital; Laparoscopic surgery combined with open surgery to treat non-anal malformations and blood replacement techniques for neonatal jaundice by automatic method at Children’s Hospital; Corneal transplant technique at Thanh Hoa Eye Hospital. In agriculture, a number of high-quality and productive plant varieties and livestock breeds, some advanced techniques have been transferred to the province, such as: fragrant rice, short-term rice, salt-tolerant rice; varieties of maize, green beans, soybeans, peanuts; high-tech products such as Kim Hoang melon, V2 seedless orange… The results of the strengthening of research and application of science and technology in various fields have made important contributions to the development of economic regions. – Social, key economic regions, bringing into play the advantages and potentials of localities. According to the assessment of functional sectors, in general, the S&T staff has actively participated in teaching and scientific research activities at universities, and S&T research at non-business units and enterprises. science and technology industry… In the course of work, the staff of science and technology, on the basis of their capacity and professional qualifications, have been arranged and used by agencies and units to preside over S&T tasks; supporting individuals in S&T activities to participate in domestic and international scientific conferences; participate in programs and projects of investment and cooperation in science and technology; critique the socio-economic development projects and plannings of the province…, contribute to improving the quality of programs, schemes and policies promulgated by the Provincial Party Committee, People’s Council and People’s Committee. Along with that, professional agencies have also built a database of S&T experts to join specialized S&T councils; participate in solving local S&T issues; at the same time, gather and attract many highly qualified S&T staff who have reached the end of their working age to participate in S&T research and training. Besides the achievements, the province’s S&T human resources still have limitations, such as, S&T human resources, although increasing in quantity and quality, are still small, not commensurate with the potential and development requirements. socio-economic development of the province. There is a shortage of leading officials and experts in high-level technology fields. S&T human resources are unevenly distributed, the structure and qualifications are not reasonable by region, region and field of operation; most of them are concentrated in the state sector, urban areas, private sectors, enterprises and rural areas are still low… The spirit of research cooperation and teamwork skills of the S&T force is still limited. Some branches and localities have not yet paid attention to and enlisted scientific human resources from the central government. Policies to attract, employ and reward S&T staff are slow to be renewed, inconsistent and ineffective. Some research works are still limited in quality, with low scientific content… Currently, the fourth industrial revolution and the process of extensive international integration have been posing many problems for the development of S&T human resources of the province in particular and the country in general. The explosive development of interdisciplinary, multi-industry and cross-sectoral technologies of the fourth industrial revolution not only brings opportunities but also poses great challenges for construction and development requirements. S&T human resources. Machines and artificial intelligence replacing human power will lead to the inevitable consequence that the demand for low-skilled cheap labor will give way to the demand for high-qualified human resources. Therefore, more than ever, the requirement to develop S&T human resources becomes more urgent. In particular, the process of comprehensive international integration is demanding that S&T human resources have global skills, update and keep up with new trends in the development of science and technology. Facing difficulties and challenges, in order to create a breakthrough in the development of S&T human resources to meet development requirements in the new situation, it requires functional sectors, committees and authorities at all levels to perform synchronously. many solutions such as raising awareness and renewing thinking for staff doing state management of science and technology. Develop a strategy and long-term vision on the creation of S&T human resources, in which the focus is on developing high-quality S&T human resources in association with the local socio-economic development strategy. Promoting the development of S&T human resources, including training and retraining associated with using and appreciating talents; well implement policies to nurture talents for young scientists. In addition, continuing to pay attention to sending S&T human resources to practice and work at international organizations, research institutes and universities abroad; strengthen bilateral and multilateral international academic exchanges and exchanges. At the same time, building a network of research cooperation with foreign scientists and expanding training programs abroad, so that S&T staff can experience the international academic environment and be trained in activities. international research and development. Along with the well implementation of mechanisms and policies, it is necessary to promote socialization and effectively mobilize investment resources outside the state budget, especially from enterprises for training, retraining and development activities. S&T human resources. Increase mobilization of non-budget investment to develop potentials, especially material and technical foundations of S&T organizations, contributing to improving working conditions for S&T human resources. Thereby, promoting the creative potential of the S&T team, serving the cause of industrialization and modernization of the homeland and the country.