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Reducing budget spending by more than 15,000 billion thanks to streamlining the apparatus, reducing staffing


Accumulated from 2017 to 2019, the State budget expenditure decreased by over 15,000 billion from the streamlining of the apparatus, the downsizing of payrolls and the renovation of the public non-business sector.
After 2 weeks of accepting the position of Commander of the Home Affairs, female Minister Pham Thi Thanh Tra wrote an article “Continue to build a streamlined state administrative apparatus, effective and efficient operation in accordance with the spirit of the Resolution of the Congress.” XIII of the Party ”. This is also one of the key tasks that the document of the XIII Party Congress mentioned.

Reduce more than 270,000 civil servants and public employees Outlining the results achieved in the past 5 years, the Minister of Home Affairs said that the building and perfecting of the State administrative institutions have achieved very important results. The arrangement of the administrative apparatus from central to local level has gradually clearly defined tasks and powers, basically overcoming the situation of overlap, omitting functions, tasks, scope and objects of management; There has been a clear distinction between state management agencies and public non-business units within the internal structure. The implementation of Central Resolutions 18 and 19 has created new awareness, new thinking and drastic action in the entire political system. Up to now, there have been many focal points reduced within ministries, branches and localities, especially over 25% reduction of non-business units; reduce 8 administrative units at district level and 557 administrative units at commune level. Interior Minister Pham Thi Thanh Tra said the implementation of the Resolution 18 and 19 of the Central Government has created new awareness, new thinking and drastic action in the entire political system. Photo: Hoang Ha. The head of the interior industry said that in streamlining the payroll associated with the organizational apparatus arrangement, the agencies and units had reduced over 27,500 civil servant payrolls; reducing nearly 243,000 staff payrolls – exceeding the 10% reduction target set by the Politburo’s Resolution 39 by 2021. In addition, civil servants from the district level down 40,000 people; reducing nearly 148,000 communal cadres, civil servants and part-time workers in villages, hamlets, street population groups; labor contracts decreased by nearly 7,000 people. These numbers have created a clear economic effect. According to the Interior Minister, the Ministry of Finance calculated that in 2019, the proportion of recurrent expenditure will decrease by 0.85% compared to 2017, equivalent to 10,000 billion. Accumulated from 2017 to 2019, the State budget expenditure has decreased by over 15,000 billion VND from streamlining the apparatus, staffing downsizing and renovating the public non-business sector. The Minister of the Interior also said that from the beginning of the term to mid-2020, the Government has reduced and simplified nearly 4,000 administrative procedures, more than 6,700 lists of goods subject to specialized inspection and 30 administrative procedures. related to specialized testing. The total social costs saved from the reduction and simplification are about 18 million working days / year, equivalent to more than 6,300 billion VND / year. Total cost savings when implementing online public services from the opening of the National Public Service Portal at the end of 2019 to the end of 2020 is VND 8,000 billion. “This is not only a huge savings, but also brings many profound social meanings: Save time and effort of the whole society, make transparent processes and procedures, promote practice. democracy, enhancing the confidence of people and businesses, promoting innovation and preventing and combating corruption ”, emphasized the Minister of Home Affairs. 6 decreases and 6 increases According to the head of the Ministry of Home Affairs, the results of the implementation of Resolutions 18 and 19 have helped “6 decrease” and “6 increase”. Specifically, “6 reduction” is: Reduce the clue; intermediate level reduction; reduce the number of leaders; reduce payroll; reduce administrative procedures; reduce spending on the political system apparatus. “6 increases” include: Increase in organizational science; increase in staff quality; increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the political system; increased spending on development investment and increased social consensus. Despite achieving many results, the Minister of the Interior frankly said that the implementation of the above guidelines still has some limitations, the organizational apparatus has not completely overcome the overlaps and interference in functions and tasks. among ministries, ministerial-level agencies; the principle of one task, only one agency in charge of implementation and main responsibility has not been promoted strongly. Some localities have not properly implemented regulations on organizational structure; The review and streamlining of payrolls have not really been associated with quality improvement and restructuring of the contingent of cadres, civil servants and public employees; not actively proposing and proposing to the Central Government to amend and supplement documents and regulations inconsistent with reality. To overcome the limitations, the Ministry of Home Affairs set out 5 key tasks, including promoting decentralization and decentralization, clearly defining the responsibilities between the Government and ministries and branches; overcome the overlap in functions, tasks and powers. At the same time, the Ministry clearly defines the collective responsibility and individual responsibility, ensuring a unified, transparent and effective State management. Along with promoting the arrangement of administrative units at district and commune levels, the Ministry of Home Affairs set a target of pilot study of the organization at the provincial level; promote reform of civil service regimes, civil servants, adopt mechanisms to encourage and arouse the spirit of dedication for the country, create motivation and pressure for all cadres, civil servants and public employees to best fulfill their tasks assigned. Especially, there is a mechanism to protect employees who are innovative, creative, dare to think, dare to do, dare to break through, dare to take responsibility for the common good.