What are you waiting for without immediately learning the secret to maintaining Rosé’s skin beauty with a food sold everywhere in Vietnam, so the price is very cheap and easy to process.
During an interview with the MTV Music channel on the occasion of the activity solo Rosé happily answered questions sent by fans. Because Rosé is a food saint, many people are curious about her favorite dishes, especially the unique combinations that only Rosé dares to try.
Rosé has very unique food combinations Previously, Rosé revealed that she loves to eat kimchi with beer, making many people curious about the combo unlike this one. Now, Rosé has a new recipe: Eat kimchi with sweet potatoes and actually many Koreans still eat these two dishes together.
She is fond of eating kimchi with sweet potatoes Because eating a lot of sweet potatoes at the same time will make it easier to feel bloated, greasy and difficult to swallow. Kimchi will then be a pickle dish to help balance the taste, from which you will feel more delicious when eating potatoes. After discovering this perfect match, Rosé could no longer eat sweet potatoes without kimchi.
Eating sweet potatoes helps Rosé keep her skin beautiful It turns out that Rosé’s secret to eating “bright skin” also has sweet potato dishes. These foods contain a lot of fiber and less sugar, help you eat full for longer, digest better and eat potatoes regularly, which will lose weight. Sweet potatoes also have vitamin E to help hair grow thicker and stronger, vitamin C prevents aging skin, prevents inflammation, prevents acne. Sweet potatoes are too popular in Vietnam, the prices are extremely cheap, so why wait, don’t you try the sweet potato and kimchi combo like Rosé?
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