Hops buds are considered the most expensive vegetable in the world with prices up to 1000 USD/kg. Not only rare, the way of harvesting and the taste of this vegetable also helps them to appear only in luxury restaurants.
Hops are an indispensable ingredient in beer production – a wonderful drink that is loved by every country. However, few people know that hops are also used to eat with the most expensive prices in the world. The hops, scientifically known as humulus lupulus, are shaped like the tops of asparagus and are only for the rich to enjoy.
In the past, when the beer industry was new, young shoots that did not bloom into flowers were considered waste. Over time, what used to be discarded has become the most expensive vegetable in the world with a price of more than 1,000 USD/kg.
The reason why the price of hops shoots is so high is because of the scarcity of this plant. Hops sprout only once in the spring, between March and April.
Moreover, the life time of hops shoots is not long. Just a short time after the hops sprout, the hops will quickly perish if not harvested.
The expensiveness of hops buds also comes from the sophisticated harvesting process. Hops do not grow in rows, so harvesting must be done entirely by hand.
The harvester must carefully find the buds growing in the foliage. They are so small that it takes thousands of hops to fill a bag
Garden owners also have to depend on the weather to have a reasonable harvest schedule within 14 days of hops sprouting. They are quite picky about habitat, so they are usually grown only in England and Belgium.
Having a shape and taste similar to asparagus when eaten raw, some people think that the hops buds, if eaten raw, are quite bitter, tasting like green beans, but when cooked, it has a very distinct flavor.
After being harvested, most of the hops are used by luxury restaurants to cater to privileged diners.
Hops shoots can be used for salads, noodles or baked… according to the preferences of the buyer. Sautéing garlic is also an option that many people who have eaten hops appreciate.
For many chefs around the world, hops are considered a great ingredient to prepare the unique dishes that make them famous. Please watch the video: The strangest shaped trees in the world. Source: Happy and healthy every day
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